Which Drugs Can Cause Weight Gain?

To address the drugs that can lead to weight gain, it’s best to do cardiovascular exercise and eat a balanced diet.
What drugs can cause weight gain?

Are you gaining weight and don’t know why? You may be taking medications that have this side effect without knowing it. Some medications can lead to weight gain and it is more common than you may think.

In any case, and as always when it comes to something so close, don’t stop taking your medication without first talking to your doctor. There are ways to deal with this side effect without risking your health.

Your well-being is more important than the size of your clothes.

In this case, it is best to do cardiovascular exercise and eat a balanced diet. You can even see a dietitian, who will design a regimen suitable for your situation. That’s a really good idea because it will introduce you to foods that can help you protect yourself from your health problems.

That said, let’s take a look at which drugs can be terrible for your scale.

What drugs can cause weight gain?

1. Histamine Inhibitors

Histamine inhibitors lead to weight gain

Anyone with allergies will surely have heard of them. They serve to neutralize the effects of histamine, which is responsible for allergic reactions. People who suffer from allergies will probably always have them with them.

They work well and people are grateful that they exist. But many people claim that they lead to weight gain after taking this medication for a few months. This happens because histamine reduces your appetite. As a result, these drugs neutralize this effect. So it is much more difficult to satisfy your hunger.

Therefore, in this case, it is best to eat foods that satiate us, but are low in calories. Such as, for example, green leafy vegetables and fruit with little sugar.

2. Antidepressants

Antidepressants lead to weight gain

They don’t all work the same way. The types that most often lead to weight gain are the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as Prozac. Why is this happening? These drugs can make you fat because you have little energy.

When this happens, the brain asks us to do something to fix it. Therefore , it is common to eat carbohydrates and products with a lot of glucose. If it is also very difficult to keep moving for a long time, this is guaranteed to lead to weight gain.

Therefore, you need to have a lot of willpower to control your desires and also to start exercising.

3. Blood Pressure Lowering Drugs

Blood pressure lowering drugs lead to weight gain

This is comparable to taking antidepressants. The way these drugs work is by reducing the pressure with which the heart pumps the blood. High blood pressure is bad for muscles as well as for other aspects of health.

Therefore, blood pressure lowering drugs can also slow down various bodily functions as blood flow is essential for them. One of the functions involved is your metabolism. In a number of cases, doctors prescribe diuretics to curb this impact.

However, it is also good to introduce foods that aid digestion

4. Corticoids

Corticoids lead to weight gain

These are some of the most powerful anti-inflammatories out there. They are prescribed to rheumatic and asthmatic patients and even cancer patients. Despite their effectiveness, they can also make you fat.

This negative side effect can be very obvious. They increase appetite and cause fluid retention. Therefore, it is difficult to eat less. In addition, it complicates the excretion processes of the toxins that we should eliminate.

It is therefore important to include sufficient liquids in your diet. Although it may seem contradictory, the best method to combat retention is to drink more. That has an additional advantage. It means you can fill your stomach with fluids without resorting to high-calorie foods.

Neutralizing drugs that can lead to weight gain

If your health allows it, exercise is essential. One of the best choices is walking. It is great for almost everyone as it is a low impact activity. However, its usefulness for weight loss is incredible.

Hiking offers many benefits and many cities have specific areas for this. They are also usually found in the most beautiful places: parks, boardwalks and other green areas.

These areas are an ideal environment to shut down and relieve stress, unless you are allergic. When you suffer from a disorder or illness, the emotional aspect is really important.

Some drugs can cause weight gain, but we can do something about it. It is important to know how to do that. That way we can act the right way from the start. While you can’t always control your weight as well as you’d like, you can work on it. With a good diet and (if possible) cardiovascular exercise, it is possible to help reduce this side effect of your medication.

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