What Is Jet Peeling And What Are Its Benefits?

If you want an anti-aging treatment that is minimally invasive, you’ll be interested in learning more about jet peeling facials. Keep reading to find out everything here.
What is jet peeling and what are the benefits?

Jet peeling is a new technology developed for aesthetic purposes. It is part of what we call anti-aging treatments. Its purpose is to help fight the signs of aging, as well as dryness and other skin problems, including acne.

During jet peel treatments, high-pressure air streams are used to penetrate the dermis. This allows for the introduction of liquids through products that can help cleanse and regenerate the skin.

It is a minimally invasive procedure. Due to its benefits, it has become widely accepted and has become very popular in recent years. We are going to explain how this treatment works to keep your skin healthy.

How does the jet peeling facial treatment work?

Before the jet peel begins, a professional cleans the skin using pressurized oxygen and salt water. Then, with the help of a device, the professional applies a high-pressure air jet that penetrates the dermis.

This allows the introduction of various products that cleanse and add nutrients. For this purpose, professionals use a tailor-made serum formulated according to the needs of the person receiving the treatment. This serum may contain substances such as:

  • aloe vera
  • sodium lactate
  • salicylic acid, glycolic acid, mandelic acid or hyaluronic acid
  • vitamin C and B complex
  • lemon balm
  • achillea

What are the benefits of a jet peel?

A jet peel is primarily a procedure for aesthetic purposes. It is safe for people with sensitive skin and those with skin conditions. It also offers several advantages.

Preventing aging

What is jet peeling

According to experts, facial treatments such as a jet peel stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. The dermis is composed of collagen, which provides structure and elasticity. But the low production of this substance causes the skin to age.

With this in mind, the jet peel adds volume and firmness to the skin, reducing the signs of aging. This applies to wrinkles and blemishes, but also to the effects of the sun.

Exfoliation and Cleaning

This procedure removes dirt and products that have accumulated in the pores. In addition, jet exfoliation can minimize scarring by smoothing and refreshing the skin. It helps to even out your skin tone, even when it comes to dark circles under your eyes.

Other applications and benefits

The benefits of jet peeling technology can extend beyond aesthetics. Although not much research has been done on this topic, studies have shown that it may have other potential uses:

  • For baldness: according to a study, this technology allows for a more efficient application of products such as minoxidil to the scalp of people suffering from hair loss.
  • Another study found that jet peeling can be helpful when administering local anesthesia.

The side effects and contraindications of jet peeling

Experts believe that exfoliating with the jet peel technology is quite safe as long as the procedure is done properly and with the right tools. However, there is always the possibility of reactions and side effects:

  • Infectious cellulitis: However, these cases are rare.
  • Signs of redness, which usually disappear within hours.
  • There have also been reports of swelling in the treated area.
  • While the procedure is supposedly painless, there may be some tenderness afterwards.
  • When glycolic acid is used, there is some peeling of the skin in the days following treatment.

Jet peeling is not recommended for pregnant women. The effect of some components of the serums on the pregnancy process has yet to be thoroughly investigated.

How long do the effects of the jet peeling last?

The results of the peeling are temporary, as they only last for a month. However, this can vary from person to person. Especially when it comes to new users, it is best to repeat the procedure once a week for at least three weeks. Monthly maintenance then follows.

There is no further recovery period and you do not need to rest. However, make-up should be avoided within six hours of treatment to ensure the serums have time to be absorbed by the skin.

How is it different from other exfoliation methods?

Exfoliating the skin is something that is done before deep cleansing. For such purposes, facials with jet peeling are used. There are also other exfoliation procedures and we’ll take a look at the different ones below.


Microdermabrasion uses a diamond-tipped applicator to remove dead skin cells. It is helpful in treating blemishes, fighting wrinkles, and boosting collagen and elastin production, helping to keep skin firmer.

Both procedures exfoliate the skin and reduce the signs of aging and scarring. However, microdermabrasion is more superficial, while jet peeling reaches the dermis.

radio waves

This treatment uses radio waves to stimulate collagen production and reduce the effects of aging on the skin. Like jet peeling, radiofrequency is minimally invasive and acts on the deep layer of the skin.

The difference lies in the type of technology used, which has an impact on costs. In that sense, these beauty treatments can be more expensive.

There are different types of facial treatments to combat aging

Dermal infusion and hydrafacial

Dermal infusion also uses a diamond-tipped instrument to exfoliate, aspirate debris and infuse serum into the skin. In this way it is similar to jet peeling. Both are minimally invasive procedures.

A similar technique is the hydrafacial, which also exfoliates, cleanses and removes dead skin cells and impurities. At the same time, a cocktail of hyalonic acid (Spanish link), peptides and antioxidants is applied.

These treatments have similar characteristics and results. However, there is currently no research that can show that one treatment is better than another.

Clean skin inside and out

Jet peeling is a non-invasive, safe procedure with few side effects. It is said to be quite effective, with effects that are noticeable almost immediately. In addition, it is approved by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA).

However, in addition to using this or any other aesthetic procedure for the same purpose, it is important to consider measures, recommendations and tips to maintain healthy skin. This includes proper nutrition, hydration and protection from external factors, such as excessive sun exposure.

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