What Foods Make You Sleepy?

Do you suffer from fatigue after eating that does not seem to stop? It is possible that this has to do with what you eat, as some foods stimulate the production of melatonin. That’s the sleep hormone.
What Foods Make You Sleepy?

Do you really feel sleepy right after a meal? This is usually the result of certain foods.

The best remedy for dealing with post-dinner sleepiness is to take a nap. If you can, rest for ten to fifteen minutes.

Adjust your diet

If this is not always possible, you can always adjust your diet. A first piece of advice is that it is always important not to eat or drink too much. In addition, try to avoid the foods that we mention in this article. We give you an overview list.

Avoid dairy products

Dairy products are essential because they take care of your bones. However, it is important that you eat them carefully. More importantly, when you eat dairy.

These foods usually contain tryptophan and calcium. The combination of those ingredients helps the brain process amino acids. It causes a relaxing effect. You notice it especially when you eat hard cheeses, because those types contain more calcium.

Be careful with dairy products

Moreover, if you eat bread together with this cheese, you will feel even more sleepy, because together with carbohydrates, the effect of tryptophan is even stronger.

We advise you to be careful with dairy products in general if you don’t want to feel sleepy after eating.

Don’t eat too many almonds

Almonds are another food that is full of tryptophan. This amino acid promotes the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

In addition, they contain a lot of magnesium. This ingredient relaxes the muscles and makes you sleepy. If you still have to work afterwards, it is better not to eat almonds.

If you don’t want to feel sleepy, don’t eat bananas

Bananas contain sugar. This sugar makes the brain more receptive to tryptophan.

You should also not forget that this fruit contains a very large amount of potassium and magnesium. These minerals also relax the muscles and make you feel sleepy.

The link between walnuts and sleepiness

Walnuts also cause drowsiness. However, this effect is less than what other nuts such as almonds can cause.

While walnuts contain less tryptophan than almonds, they themselves contain melatonin. That is why you feel sleepy after eating these nuts.

Studies have shown that when you eat walnuts, the amount of melatonin in the blood rises, making you feel sleepy.

So be careful about eating walnuts at work.

If you don’t want to fall asleep, don’t eat cherries


Cherries are very tasty. The problem is that these fruits can make you sleepy. That’s because they increase the level of melatonin in the body.

Obviously a few cherries won’t make a difference. Be careful when you drink a glass of cherry juice. In this case, there is a good chance that you will become sleepy.

Chamomile has a relaxing effect

Chamomile contains glycine. That is an amino acid that has a mild sedative effect. It relaxes the muscles and nervous system. As a result, you will likely start to feel sleepy after drinking chamomile tea. So be careful and choose the right time to drink this tea.

Don’t overdo it with pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds also contain high doses of tryptophan. In addition, they have a high content of zinc and magnesium. These elements relax the muscles and nervous system. As a result, you may feel sleepy after eating these seeds. Be sure to remember this.

Oat flakes for breakfast?

In oats we find tryptophan as well as vitamins from the B group. So oats will relax the nervous system. In addition, it contains magnesium and calcium.

So if you don’t want to yawn after breakfast, try to avoid increasing the calming effect of oats. So do not mix it with milk, bananas or almonds. It is better to mix it with other types of food.

A sleepy feeling after eating white rice

White rice has a high glycemic index. So that means it causes drowsiness. However, the effect does not occur immediately. You won’t start to notice it until after three or four hours.

The rice with the most noticeable hypnotic effect is jasmine rice. So keep this in mind, especially if you are a fan of this type of rice yourself.

Fatty fish

Most types of fatty fish contain acids that increase the production of melatonin. Salmon, tuna and other fried fatty fish will cause this effect.

It is also these acids that lower the amount of stress hormone in the blood. As a result, you will feel more relaxed. You will also notice that a feeling of fatigue starts to take over your body.

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