What Are Compulsive Buyers Running From?

Compulsive shoppers try to fill an internal void by spending money and buying clothes and stuff they don’t need. The problem is that their inner emptiness never really disappears.
What do compulsive buyers run from?

Compulsive buyers are people who are going to buy things whether or not they will use them. They are often unnecessary things and they buy for the sake of buying.

In this way, they collect various objects or gadgets at home that they have since given up, because the satisfaction is derived from the purchase, not from what the later use will actually be.

You might think that compulsive buyers are immature people who don’t know how to manage their money properly. However, the truth is that behind this act that we so often mock is a person who may be suffering a lot.

The Hidden Suffering of Compulsive Buyers

Compulsive shoppers use shopping to distract themselves. It serves to fill their lives.

  • They may believe there is a terrible void or try to escape a situation where they feel trapped.
  • This is an act performed compulsively, without thinking and evoking guilt that will come later.

Yes, compulsive buyers recognize that this behavior does not help to improve their situation. In fact, many of them are aware of the very negative consequences of being surrounded by a lot of useless objects and having very little money in their wallets.

Sometimes it is just a phase that passes and is then forgotten. But sometimes the situation can persist for a long time, causing an agony that has not yet been resolved.

What Should Compulsive Buyers Do? If you can’t or don’t want to ask a professional for help, look further. Find out what it is that led you to exhibit this behavior. The big problem, however, is that it is very painful to think about what hurts you. This means that you are constantly trying to escape by shopping.

Are you a compulsive buyer?

Compulsive buyers always think about buying stuff

You may be wondering if you’ve ever been a compulsive buyer or if someone you know suffers from this impulsive disorder. If so, here are some characteristics of people who can be considered compulsive buyers.

1. They buy things they will never use

As we mentioned above, compulsive buyers usually buy a lot of things that they don’t really need. It is normal for those items to be forgotten and never used.

The consumer society we live  in pushes shoppers to buy something they don’t need. Various middles are used for this, such as:

  • ads
  • the latest models
  • smart branding

This can doom a compulsive customer to ruin even more easily.

2. Spending money ruins the road

Just like gamblers who have trouble spending their money until they get into debt, the same can happen to compulsive buyers. In fact, it is a danger for them to even own a credit card. They can incur a debt with the creditor that they cannot repay later.

3. Sale is an incentive

Woman with too many clothes

In the same way that ads encourage a compulsive customer to buy things, sales are also a danger, as they often lead to increased spending. Think about:

  • countless items of clothing
  • accessories
  • other knick knacks and trinkets

The savings they think they make are not as big as they buy which makes the final total amount well above what they can afford.

While it may not seem obvious, compulsive buyers have very low self-esteem. They can even be depressed at times. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the signs of this condition, which almost always leads to self-destructive behavior.

A compulsive customer enjoys the purchase, but his self-esteem wanes afterward. They know what they have done and that their savings have diminished. Yet it’s still impulsive behavior that they can’t seem to stop.

Often they are trying to cover up a deep pain that needs to be addressed. Although it hurts, although it is difficult, it is necessary to stop letting it control you.

Everything you suffer will still be there, even if you close your eyes to try not to see it. It’s time to be strong enough to face it and process it in a healthy way.

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