We Tell You All About A Soft Lift

A Soft Lift is a new facial rejuvenation procedure that combines botulinum toxin with hyaluronic acid. What does it consist of? What are the advantages? In this article we tell you all about it!
We tell you everything about a Soft Lift

A Soft Lift is becoming the new beauty treatment for many women. Your face is important because it is what you show the world. It is therefore perfectly normal to keep it looking young and natural.

Fortunately, by starting non-invasive aesthetic treatments from a young age, you have the advantage of tackling aging without having to make too many changes and without having to undergo surgery.

What is a Soft Lift?

A woman with signs of aging on her face

A Soft Lift is a non-surgical anti-aging technique that offers interesting results. Overall, it helps to keep the skin looking young and healthy.

A Soft Lift is a technique indicated for any gender or age that provides natural results by restoring the harmony and expression of the face. It has no contraindications and is suitable for anyone who wants to restore the fresh look of their face.

You can have it done at a doctor’s clinic. In fact, after a single session, you can go back to normal activities. The results it brings are very positive, as your face will look noticeably refreshed. The effects also last about four months.

Although the procedure is minimally invasive, it must be performed by a qualified and specialized physician. A preliminary consultation with a professional can help you decide whether or not this technique is right for you.

Natural chronological aging

Facial aging causes various changes such as dynamic wrinkles, static wrinkles and the loss of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Sagging skin is an example. Other signs of facial aging include:

  • Loss of facial contour due to the effects of gravity.
  • Lack of firmness.
  • Volume loss.
  • Skin texture and color changes.

All these changes that the skin undergoes over time makes your face look older and tired. Techniques such as the Soft Lift, however, help to soften these.

What is the Soft Lift Procedure?

The Soft Lift procedure uses two substances, botulinum toxin type A and hyaluronic acid. These substances do the following during treatment:

  • Botulinum toxin type A (link in English), indicated for the treatment of dynamic wrinkles caused by the movement of the facial muscles (with gestures).
  • Hyaluronic Acid, which fills static wrinkles that are permanent. The latter are often deeper and more visible when your face is at rest. This substance is also indicated for the harmonization of the contours of the face and lips or for the replacement of volume in areas of the face that have changed due to aging.

As stated in a study published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, hyaluronic acid has very positive effects in improving the appearance of the skin.

Changes after the session

Face with a soft lift treatment

A Soft Lift is a non-invasive and non-surgical procedure that helps fight the signs of aging on the face. It then results in a more natural, rejuvenated and pleasant appearance. So the best part about this is that you don’t have to take the risks or go through the rest period that cosmetic surgery entails.

Soft Lifting is an advanced medical technique that, through the use of advanced anti-aging treatments (hyaluronic acid fillers and botulinum toxin type A), helps to achieve total facial rejuvenation.

The areas it can treat

Dermatollog examines a skin

With Soft Lift it is possible to improve almost every part of the face. The results are also noticeable from the first session. So this technique can be used in any part of the face where you deem it necessary to correct signs of aging. These include:

  • Nose area (rhino modeling and bunny lines)
  • Frontal area (brow raise and frontal wrinkles)
  • Nose cheek folds, corner of the eye wrinkles (crow’s feet)
  • Volume replacement in cheeks
  • Definition of Facial Contour
  • Lips (volume and contouring and lip wrinkles)

The latest trends in facial rejuvenation are aimed at achieving natural and harmonious results that then beautify the face in a comprehensive way.

The 3 R’s of Rejuvenation

So the big difference with conventional rejuvenation techniques is the two-dimensional approach that experts use to evaluate the face. In the past, only the treatment of a single wrinkle was considered.

This technique revolutionized this form of treatment. Analyze the face from a three-dimensional point of view. In this regard, it treats all signs of aging on the face that fall within the 3 Vs of facial rejuvenation, creating the following:

  • muscle relaxation. Reduces dynamic wrinkles (with botulinum toxin A).
  • Renewed definition of the contours of the face. To treat static wrinkles (hyaluronic acid + botulinum toxin A).
  • Volume replacement. Provides repositioning in areas where it is needed, either because it has disappeared or has never been harmonized (with hyaluronic acid).

In short, for all these reasons , Soft Lift is an innovative treatment that combines the already leading techniques for facial rejuvenation.

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