Using Salt To Clean Your House

Salt is not only useful as a seasoning, but also useful to use at home. You can use it for an infinite number of things, so read this article quickly.
Using salt to clean your home

Salt is one of the elements that has been in the kitchen since ancient times. Centuries ago it was very expensive, but today you can buy salt at very affordable prices. You can also use salt in and around the house.

There are a lot of side effects when you overuse sodium chloride in your diet as it has consequences like hypertension, kidney problems and fluid retention. However, it can be a huge help for cleaning your home.

So if your doctor recommends that you stop consuming salt, take advantage of using some salt for cleaning.

Using salt at home

  • Make sure your plants stay fresh longer by adding a pinch of salt to the water in the vase.
  • Extinguish oil fires by sprinkling salt on top of the flames.
  • Protect wicker furniture and prevent it from turning yellow by applying salt with a wet brush and then letting it dry in the sun.
  • Extend the life of bathroom or kitchen sponges. After using them, soak them in salt water.
  • Sanitize your shoes by sprinkling a little salt on the inside. It will eliminate moisture and bad odors.

Using salt around the house and in the garden

Salt as a cleaning agent
  • Control the growth of weeds in your yard by sprinkling salt in the joints or edges of the sidewalk, where it often grows.
  • Prevent frost from forming on your home and car windows by scrubbing them with a sponge dipped in water and salt.
  • Remove ice from the road and sidewalk by sprinkling salt over the snow or frost, which will prevent ice from sticking to the ground.
  • Prevent ants from entering your home by sprinkling it at the entrance to your home, windows and under doors.
  • Dry your clothes in the winter by adding a handful of salt to the last wash, which prevents clothes from freezing outside on the clothesline.
  • Extend the life of brooms. Before using them for the first time, immerse them in hot salt water.

Using salt to clean your home

cleaning pans

Remove the residues caused by burning or spilling food, for example from:

  • pans
  • jars
  • oven
  • burners

Apply a good amount of salt and remove it with paper towels.

Remove wine stains from fabric

  • Apply a generous amount around the area and dry in an upward motion.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse the garment.
  • If it is a carpet stain, scrub it with salt and then use a vacuum cleaner to clean it.

Cleaning the fridge

A few minutes before defrosting and cleaning, apply salt and mineral water to the door and interior.

Cleaning the fridge

Rust stains

Remove rust stains from fabric by using salt in the following way:

  • Mix a little bit of salt with lemon juice.
  • Then wet the fabric thoroughly.
  • Let it dry in the sun and then wash it as you normally would.

Cleaning furniture

Remove white circles that appear on wooden furniture from a vase or anything else wet.

  • Apply a layer of oil and salt to the stain
  • Massage it in.
  • Let it sit for an hour and finally remove it.

Remove fat

Remove grease from iron utensils.

  • Sprinkle a little salt over it and let it sit for a while.
  • Then wash it off as you always do.

You can use the same technique to remove dark stains from coffee or tea cups.

Against bad odors

Remove bad odors from plastic or glass jars and bottles (more so with plastic as it traps the odors faster). You do this in the following way:

  • Add a tablespoon of salt to the inside of the jar or bottle and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Rinse it normally with a dishwashing or cleaning agent.

Cleaning the sink

Remove bathtub and sink stains by making a mixture of white spirit and salt.

  • Apply it to the surfaces and let it sit for 15 minutes. This will get you rid of the ugly yellow color.
  • Then wipe it with a wet sponge to remove all residues and to achieve a perfect result.
Salt on a bowl

Cleaning floors

Clean the floors of your entire house by using salt in the following way:

  • Add half a cup of salt to a bucket of warm water.
  • Mop as you normally do.
  • If you have wooden floors, they will shine more.
  • If they are tiles, you will prevent them from getting dirty quickly.

Gives shine

Makes bronze, tin, silver and copper objects more shiny.

  • Make a mixture of equal amounts of vinegar, flour and salt.
  • Apply it to the objects and let it sit for fifteen minutes.
  • Remove it gently with a brush and dry it with a dry cloth.
  • Brush them afterwards.

Cleaning the iron

Prevent the iron from sticking to the clothes by adding a little salt to the starch. This will also ensure that sheets and cotton clothes look as good as new.

Make piano keys white again

Clean yellow piano keys by using salt in the following ways:

  • Apply salt and lemon juice to a soft cloth and buff the keys to remove stains caused by moisture, the passage of time or use.
  • You can use the same treatment for marble or ivory objects.

Cleaning clothes

  • Brighten the colors of clothes when you wash them, such as curtains or natural fiber carpets.
  • Remove sweat stains from clothing by dissolving four tablespoons of salt in one liter of hot water.
  • Remove blood stains by soaking clothes in cold salt water and then washing them in boiling soapy water. Only do this with cotton, linen and natural fiber clothing.

Images courtesy of Casey Konstantine, Joanna Bourne, Charles Haynes and Aaron Stidwell.

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