Uses, Contraindications And Benefits Of Copaiba Oil

Copaiba oil is used in traditional medicine for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Do you want to know more about its benefits? If so, keep reading!
Uses, Contraindications and Benefits of Copaiba Oil

In this article we are going to provide information about copaiba oil, its uses, contraindications and benefits of this oil. Copaiba is a tree native to the Amazon basin that can reach 20 meters in height.

It belongs to the genus Copaifera officinalis, popular for its natural production of an oil or resin that is extracted after drilling a hole in the trunk, inserting a pipe and letting the contents flow out.

This resin has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times, as the inhabitants of the areas where the tree grows ascribe different properties to it. It is believed to help relieve pain, prevent infections and improve the healing process.

What is copaiba oil?

Copaiba oil is extracted from the resin of the trees of the same name. Since these trees produce this oil naturally, the process consists of making an incision in the trunk, filtering the contents and treating it until it smells sweet. A woody oil is then formed.

According to historical records, the people who lived throughout the Amazon basin were the first to benefit from the benefits of this balm. This area includes countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. Due to its usefulness in the treatment of various ailments, it arrived in Europe in the 17th century.

Today, this oil is on the ingredient lists of many personal care and skin care products. Similarly , both the resin and oil are present in natural pharmaceutical preparations such as in diuretics and antitussives.

Important Ingredients

Copaiba oil consists of a number of different components. As the main components of copaiba oil, we can mention the following components, among others:

  • Copaene or α-Copaene
  • Cadineen
  • Γ-cadinene
  • Cedrol

Main uses and benefits of copaiba oil

Bottle of copaiba oil

In folk medicine, this oil has also been used as an aphrodisiac. Below we will analyze in detail what are the main benefits of copaiba oil according to science.

1. It has an anti-inflammatory effect

Chronic inflammation is the cause of various diseases. Fortunately, copaiba oil has shown relevant anti-inflammatory effects. At this time , more studies are needed to confirm these effects in humans.

  • In a study in rodents with multiple sclerosis (MS), this ingredient helped reduce the production of molecules associated with inflammation.
  • It was also useful in inhibiting free radical activity associated with oxidative stress.
  • Similarly, a study in rats with tongue lesions showed that resin oil helped reduce the number of immune cells that cause inflammation.
  • Finally, a study in rodents with intestinal inflammation found that this product can reduce inflammation, despite having no effect on damage to the colon.

2. It has antimicrobial activity

Research in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding has shown that copaiba oil, even at low concentrations, can inhibit the growth of bacteria. The study looked at the oil’s effects on the bacteria staphylococcus aureus, which causes skin infections and wounds.

In addition, a study in The Open Dentistry Journal found that a gel of this oil was able to fight all types of streptococcal bacteria present on teeth. However, more studies are needed to certify these benefits of copaiba oil.

3. It has an analgesic effect

A study in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found that a copaiba oil massage combined with Deep Blue oil may be more effective at reducing arthritis pain than a coconut oil massage. It can also increase the strength and dexterity of the fingers.

4. It Can Help Fight Leishmaniasis

Leishmaniasis is an infection caused by the Leishmania parasite that is transmitted through the bite of an infected phlebotomine sandfly. In general, when the infection is cutaneous, lesions and ulcers appear.

However, research in rodents with cutaneous leishmaniasis found that oral and topical treatment with copaiba oil helped to reduce skin lesions. Experts think this is because it can affect the cell membranes of the Leishmania parasite.

5. Cobaiba Oil Helps Improve Acne-Prone Skin

Due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, this oil seems to be an ally against acne. In a study published in the journal Alternative Medicine Review , participants showed significant improvement in acne areas treated with a 1% copaiba essential oil preparation.

On the other hand , anecdotal data suggests that it also helps to lighten the skin. To do this, simply add a drop of essential oil to your face cream or toner.

6. It Helps Take Care of Liver Health

According to a study published in Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira , copaiba oil can reduce liver damage caused by commonly used pain relievers such as paracetamol. The researchers found that these effects occur when the subjects use this oil preventively, that is, before the analgesic is administered.

If you administer the oil after the drug, the effects are not as beneficial. On the contrary, the bilirubin levels in the liver then increase. Further studies are needed to confirm these effects.

7. Copaiba Oil Is Pain Relieving

Massage for relaxation

One of the traditional uses and benefits of copaiba oil has to do with stress relief. In particular, soothing properties are attributed to it, especially when applied through massage. It is ideal for relaxing after a tiring day or before going to bed with a massage with this oil.

Risks and Precautions of Copaiba Oil

Experts consider copaiba oil to be safe as long as it is used in low doses. A study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found  that ingesting large amounts can cause digestive problems such as:

  • nausea
  • vomit
  • diarrhea

You should not ingest the oil and be careful before applying it to the skin. Essential oils are generally sold in highly concentrated forms, so diluting them is necessary.

It is also advisable to test for possible reactions. To do this, apply a little diluted oil to the skin and leave it on for at least 24 hours. If there is no reaction, then you can consider it safe.

However, if you are using this oil for an aromatherapy session, you should avoid this oil when children, pets or pregnant women are present, as a number of essential oils can affect them.

Finally , experts believe that lithium may interact adversely with copaiba. Consultation with a specialist is therefore crucial for people who are using or have used lithium or any medicine containing lithium.

How can I use copaiba oil?

Using copaiba oil as a seasoning is possible and you can add it to foods and drinks in very small amounts to change their aroma. In addition, it is often useful as a topical treatment to reduce inflammation, pain and scarring.

In the latter cases , you should mix it with a carrier oil, such as avocado, almond or coconut oil. Simply add 3 to 5 drops of copaiba essential oil to every 30 grams of carrier oil. You can apply it in the form of:

  • a compress
  • massage oil
  • cream or lotion for the skin

Copaiba oil: a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever

The copaiba, whose scientific name is Copaifera officinalis, is a species of tree native to the Amazon basin that produces a resin or balsam that we can extract by making an incision in the trunk.

By processing this resin, we obtain copaiba oil. Anecdotal data and a number of studies state that it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial activity. However, more research is needed to prove its effects.

For now, you should only occasionally use it as an ally to ease certain minor symptoms. It does not replace medical treatments and should be used with caution, especially in special cases such as pregnancy, breastfeeding or pre-existing illness.

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