Try These Three Low-Fat Detox Diets

These cleansing diets help to aid digestion and reduce bloating. It is important to stick to the recommended time period to avoid unwanted effects.
Try These Three Low-Fat Detox Diets

Low-fat detox diets are one of the best ways to restore and revitalize the organs in our bodies that perform the most important functions. These diets are low in fat, and thanks to the combination of ingredients , they have a purifying effect on our body.

More and more people are interested in detox diets, especially after they have become accustomed to consuming large portions and regularly experiencing symptoms such as abdominal bloating, gas and heaviness.

While you shouldn’t follow these types of diets for long periods of time, they can help eliminate toxins, reduce constipation, and improve metabolism for easier weight loss in a short period of time.

Would you like to try them? In this article, we’ll share three types of low-fat detox diets you can try to help you lose weight or boost your health.

What you need to know before detoxing your body

Detox diets are meal plans that serve a variety of purposes. One of the main goals is that they are the excretory organs of the body (liver, kidney and colon)  strengthen. They do this by purifying and cleaning these organs, allowing them to function better when loaded with toxins.

Low-fat detox diets are based on easily digestible foods, making them ideal for regulating digestion and reducing bloating. Among other benefits, they make the body more resistant to disease and also promote an overall sense of well-being.

However, these diets are not destined to last as they are quite strict and restrictive. Therefore, the goal is to follow them only three or four times a few years, for a maximum of seven days.

Food that is strictly forbidden if you want to detoxify your body

Fatty sausages are prohibited on low-fat detox diets

Many everyday foods have characteristics that are not suitable for low-fat detox diets. While not all of these foods are “harmful” per se, some do have properties that hinder the cleansing process.

The most common are:

  • Dried or packaged meat products
  • Red meat
  • Processed or prepackaged food
  • Canned food
  • Commercial Baked Products
  • Fried foods and snacks
  • Saturated oil and butter
  • Junk food
  • Packaged juices and carbonated drinks
  • Coffee and chocolate

3 Low-Fat Detox Diets You Should Try

In recent years, interest in detoxification has grown so much that many diet plans have been designed around this requirement. You will therefore often come across alternative cleaning agents, even cleaning products that adapt to specific needs.

Below we have listed three sample menus for you. These are low-fat menus that not only detoxify the body, but also help burn calories and lose weight more easily. After sticking to these diets for up to six days, it’s important to continue your New Year’s resolutions by sticking to a balanced diet.

Detox with artichoke

Artichoke is great for low-fat detox diets

When it comes to low-fat detox diets, the artichoke diet is one of the most effective. It improves digestion and helps the body eliminate fluids and lose pounds faster.

  • Breakfast: a cup of artichoke tea with lemon, fruit salad and two slices of whole wheat bread.
  • Mid-morning: a cup of plant-based milk or freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Lunch:  brown rice with artichoke or artichoke salad with tomato and celery.
  • Snack: diced fruit and two artichoke capsules (available at pharmacies or health food stores).
  • Dinner: grilled artichoke with a piece of chicken breast.

Note : do not follow this diet for more than three consecutive days . You can adopt this diet before embarking on a balanced weight loss diet.

Detox with oats

From a nutritional perspective, oats are one of the most complete grains. Oats have therefore always been part of detox diets. The fiber and antioxidants in oats are excellent for helping the body eliminate waste.

  • Breakfast: three tablespoons of oats with milk and four strawberries.
  • Mid-morning: a portion of fruit or a cup of vegetable soup.
  • Lunch: three tablespoons of oats with water or milk, mixed salad and a portion of fried chicken breast.
  • Snack: fruit juice or tea.
  • Dinner: three tablespoons of oats with water or milk, asparagus salad with olive oil and a pinch of salt.

Note: you are not supposed to stay on this diet for more than five days. You can also swap out the foods in each meal for alternatives, as long as you always eat the oats according to the instructions.

Detox with tomato

Tomato juice is a perfect addition to low-fat detox diets

Thanks to their nutritional value, tomatoes are one of the most popular ingredients in various meal plans. In this case, it stars in one of the best-known low-fat detox diets in the world.

  • On an empty stomach: a glass of fresh tomato juice.
  • Breakfast: two boiled tomatoes, seasoned with oregano, olive oil and salt.
  • Mid-morning: a glass of fresh tomato juice.
  • Lunch: tomato salad with bean sprouts or paprika. You can also add a portion of roasted chicken breast or salmon.
  • Snack: a glass of fresh tomato juice.
  • Dinner: tomato salad with artichoke, bell pepper and a portion of fish.
  • Before going to bed: end the day with another glass of tomato juice.

Note: Only stick to this diet for three consecutive days. When you get hungry, you can add low-fat and low-calorie foods to your diet, such as fruits or whole grains.

Do you feel like your digestion is slow? Do you experience bloating? If you’re experiencing these symptoms, now might be a good time to try one of these detox diets. Therefore, follow our recommendations and take advantage of the many advantages.

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