To Avoid With High Blood Pressure

Elevated blood pressure is an inconspicuous condition that does not immediately cause symptoms. However, elevated blood pressure can have consequences that should not be underestimated. 
To avoid with high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a condition that is very common today. It can have a number of factors, such as obesity, genetic predisposition, unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle .

There are many nasty consequences if the pressure is too high, the most important of which is the risk of cardiovascular disease. The risk of a heart attack also increases with hypertension . However, the good news is that blood pressure can be lowered by adopting a healthy lifestyle before serious problems arise.

You can lower your blood pressure, among other things, by adjusting your eating habits. Unhealthy eating is one of the most determining factors that contribute to hypertension.

There are, of course, other elements that can raise your blood pressure. However, it turns out that good or bad eating habits have a direct influence on your blood pressure.

Would you like to know what you can do yourself to avoid high blood pressure? Then read on in this article which foods you should avoid if your blood pressure is already too high.

Foods to avoid if you suffer from high blood pressure

As already mentioned, what we eat every day has a decisive influence on blood pressure values. If your blood pressure is too high, you can take action yourself by preferably omitting the following foods :

Sliced ​​meats and sausage

Sliced ​​meats and sausages are delicious on a sandwich, but they are also known for containing excessively high doses of salt and unhealthy, animal fats. And just too much salt and animal fat are harmful to the health of the arteries and the circulatory system in general. If you feel like meat, it is best to treat yourself to a nice piece of lean meat, such as chicken, turkey, rabbit, etc.


Cheese also often contains too much salt, which can cause hypertension. Salt allows the body to retain fluids, increasing the pressure in the blood circulation. It is better to replace the classic cheeses with low-salt variants. They are easy to get at any supermarket or grocer.


Junk food

Everyone knows for sure that junk food contains way too much salt and fat. Try to snack healthily and avoid chips, nuts, fries, fried snacks, spring rolls and bami slices.

Butter and margarine

Saturated fat in butter and margarine is not good, because it increases the cholesterol level in the blood, the pressure and thus the risk of cardiovascular disease. The less saturated fat there is in your diet, the better.

It is therefore important to take lean products or products that contain unsaturated fat. Also choose smaller amounts of fat. And why not cook with olive oil as an alternative?

Remove dried and salted meat from the menu

Dried or cured meat products such as smoked sausage are processed with salt in order to keep them longer. Limit your intake of them or completely remove them from your shopping list.

Salad dressings and sauces

Supermarket ready-made dressings and sauces, such as mayonnaise and ketchup, are shockingly high in salt. Make your own healthy dressings based on yogurt combined with fresh herbs and reduce the pressure.  You can also replace yogurt with olive oil or other vegetable oils.

Black tea

Black tea

The amount of caffeine is the main difference between green and black tea . Black tea contains much more caffeine, so it is recommended to avoid black tea if your blood pressure is too high. Caffeine stimulates the production of cortisol and adrenaline, which will raise blood pressure even more.


People with hypertension are also advised to avoid the use of aniseed, as it can cause a very rapid rise in values and even in extreme cases lead to a heart attack.

Other habits to avoid

  • Drinking alcohol : Too much alcohol raises blood pressure. Although a number of studies suggest that a glass of red wine a day can have a positive effect on heart and blood vessels, excessive alcohol consumption is generally bad for your blood pressure.
  • A sedentary lifestyle can cause a lot of problems, such as obesity and high blood cholesterol levels and raise the levels. However, enough exercise can lower it.
    However, remember that you can take the initiative to lower these values ​​yourself. You can do this by eating a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, reducing stress in your life, and having regular health checks with a doctor.
  • Avoid caffeine:  Research is still going on to determine exactly how much caffeine is harmful to blood pressure. Figures have shown that taking caffeine can quickly raise blood pressure for a short period of time. However, researchers are not yet completely sure what the long-term consequences are. That is why it is better to stick to the advice to use as little as possible or no caffeine at all in case of high blood pressure. 

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