Three Gift Boxes You Can Make At Home

There are many ideas for making beautiful gift boxes with inexpensive materials. We want to take the opportunity and show you the steps to make three different versions.
Three gift boxes you can make at home

Gift boxes have become one of the hottest trends in gift giving to someone special. Although pouches and other packaging are still used, many people like the presentation this alternative offers. Would you like to learn how to make gift boxes at home?

While there are several different shapes and sizes available in stores, there are also some fun personalized ideas that you can make at home. Y ou can also take advantage of recyclable materials to make nice gift boxes. Learn how to do this in this article.

Three ideas for gift boxes

To make beautiful gift boxes, you just have to let your creativity run wild. While there are designs that are a bit more difficult than others, they are generally easy to make and don’t require a lot of material. The best part is that you can add details that the retail boxes don’t have.

This can also save you money, because you probably have many of the materials at home, so you can recycle. Do you want to know more? Then take a look at the three interesting options that we will discuss below.

1. Tetra pack gift boxes

Tetrapak gift boxes

Tetrapak gift boxes have a very attractive design that resembles milk cartons. If it is a small gift, using these types of boxes can be a good idea. Follow these steps!


  • Scrapbook paper (similar to cardboard but with a double-sided pattern, a kind of wrapping paper)
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • skewer
  • Glue


  • Start by measuring and cutting the scrapbook paper into twelve squares, divided into four columns of three rows. Their dimensions may vary depending on your preferences and needs.
  • Then make some dotted lines with the toothpick and fold the pieces of paper.
  • Then coat one of the flaps on one side with glue and let it dry.
  • Then glue the four loose sides that are still hanging together, so that it takes the shape of a box.
  • Then take the top and press it a bit to further shape the box.
  • Fold the edges over at the top and hold them together with the clips if desired.
  • To top it off, just decorate it to your own taste.

2. Plastic bottle gift boxes

Gift boxes made of plastic bottles

Gift boxes cannot be made with cardboard materials alone. If you want to take advantage of this craft idea and make it with recycled materials you have at home, don’t hesitate to make these boxes out of plastic bottles. This material is easy to handle and you can decorate them in many different ways.


  • Plastic bottle
  • Corrugated Paper
  • Scissors
  • glue gun
  • Adhesive tape
  • Thread, ribbons and decorative elements
  • Iron


  • First, take the plastic bottle and cut it through the smooth part, removing the top and bottom.
  • To make the edges a little less sharp, set the iron to medium heat and gently iron the edge so that it softens a bit.
  • Then take the corrugated paper to make the lids for your gift box. Mark the edge of the bottle on the paper with a pencil and cut them out.
  • Then cut a strip about two centimeters wide and glue it around the lids with the glue gun.
  • Use enough glue to properly glue the bottom of the box. Use the other lid you made to close your gift box.
  • Finally, use the decorative elements to decorate it to taste.

3. Cardboard boxes

Cardboard boxes

In general, cardboard is the most commonly used material for making gift boxes. Because of its resistance and its shape, it is simply one of the best options. It also offers the possibility to add various accessories. You can also recycle cardboard boxes very well.


  • Empty cardboard box
  • Wrapping paper or craft paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Decorative Tape


  • Disassemble the empty cardboard box and lay it completely flat.
  • Then apply a very thin layer of glue over the entire surface.
  • Then stick the wrapping paper or craft paper on top. Apply light pressure to secure the paper.
  • Let it dry and trim off any leftovers.
  • Now turn the box over, fold the edges and slide the sides back together and glue it.
  • To complete this craft, use some ribbons and other decorative elements to taste.

Have you tried making these boxes at home yet? As you can see it is easy and fun. Choose the box you like best and stop spending your money on expensive packaging when you can make a nice gift box yourself.

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