This Delicious Banana And Turmeric Smoothie Cleanses Your Liver

The combination of banana and turmeric makes a potent mix. Not only does it improve liver health, but it can be very helpful for calming anxiety. Try it soon!
This delicious smoothie with banana and turmeric cleans your liver

To that end, we want to share the recipe for a delicious banana and turmeric smoothie with you in this article. It promotes liver health if you drink it often. Enjoy it!

The liver is the largest organ in the body. It is also one of the most important organs for your health. It is involved in more than 500 of the body’s processes. These involve cleansing the blood, synthesizing enzymes and proteins, aiding metabolism and hormone secretion.

Its continuous work allows us to get rid of unnecessary toxins and fats, so it is essential for the prevention of many diseases. However, some factors can cause health problems. This directly affects other vital organs. If not controlled, it can lead to the development of serious diseases.

Therefore, it is important that everyone understands the importance of regular liver cleansing. You can easily do this by supplementing your diet with foods that stimulate the cleansing process.

Smoothie with banana and turmeric

This banana and turmeric smoothie is a delicious drink that you can drink in addition to detoxifying the liver.

The benefits of bananas

Bananas have a high nutritional value. While they are one of the most calorie-dense fruits, they are also one of the best for health.

  • Bananas contain 90 calories per 100 grams, showing that they are one of the best natural energy processors.
  • They also contain natural sugars, minerals and antioxidants such as beta-carotene.
  • For centuries, they have been hailed as one of the best sources of potassium, although they also contain magnesium and iron.
  • They have a gentle laxative and diuretic effect. This supports the body’s detoxification process as it facilitates the elimination of excess fluids and toxins.
  • They are also ideal for all kinds of diets, as eating them helps reduce cravings.

The benefits of turmeric

The benefits of turmeric

Turmeric, also known as ‘Indian saffron’, is one of the best foods for liver health. Its main active ingredient, curcumin, contains potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that make it well suited for the elimination of toxins from the body.

  • This neutralizes the negative effect of free radicals, prevents damage to the cells and even reduces the risk of various types of tumors.
  • It also acts as a stimulant for the body ‘s natural enzymes. This makes it ideal for improving the digestion of fats and proteins.
  • Its effects are even related to the prevention of cognitive diseases, as it improves the health of your brain and nerves, among other things.

How do you make this banana and turmeric smoothie?

Smoothie with banana and turmeric

This banana and turmeric smoothie is an exotic drink that you can enjoy when you’re worried, or drink it as part of a liver detox plan.

We combine these two ingredients with coconut milk, pineapple and other healthy additives that enhance the cleansing effects.

We have to make it clear that you should drink it in moderation, really only once a day, because it is quite high in calories.


  • 250 ml coconut milk
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • 3 frozen bananas
  • 30 grams of coconut oil
  • 5 grams of turmeric
  • 2 grams ginger
  • 5 grams of chia seeds


  • Cut the pineapple slices and bananas into cubes.
  • Put them in the blender and mix them with the coconut milk.
  • Then add the coconut oil, turmeric and ginger.
  • Blend it all together for a few minutes, until you have a creamy and smooth drink.
  • Drink it right away to make the most of its concentrated properties.

Did you enjoy this recipe? We recommend drinking it in the morning to give your body an energy boost.

Make it a few times a month and enjoy the health benefits of your liver and other organs.

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