These 6 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat At Night

Eating any of these 6 foods in the evening will affect the quality of your sleep and may even cause heartburn and other digestive problems.
These 6 foods you should not eat at night

The evening meal is one of the most important meals of the day. Therefore, it is a bad idea to ignore it or replace it with unhealthy food. It is indeed true that the evening meal should be lighter than other meals, but consuming it is  essential for many processes that support the body during a period of rest. However, to allow these processes to run optimally, it is also better not to eat some foods in the evening.  

In fact, the nutrients obtained at this time of day affect sleep quality, digestion, and mental and physical energy the next day.

The problem is that  many people don’t know how to choose the right foods. This creates an overload on the body, which can have negative consequences.

Maybe it feels okay to eat something to satisfy our hunger before bed. But exactly what you eat can have different consequences for your digestion and metabolism.

How do you avoid this situation? We help you on your way: you should not eat the following foods in the evening.

What should I not eat in the evening?

1. Pasta

This doesn’t mean you should eliminate pasta from your diet. As a source of carbohydrates, it is ideal for active times of the day. For example, it is fine to eat pasta for lunch.

  • Eating pasta late at night can make you feel uncomfortable and heavy. This can get in the way of your sleep. At the same time, pasta will have an influence on your metabolism and weight due to the high amount of calories.

2. Ice cream

Eating a bowl of ice cream after dinner? Or late at night because you feel like something sweet? That’s not a good idea. While satisfying and delicious, this food is full of saturated fats, sugar and added ingredients that will affect your weight and sleep.

  • Eating ice cream in the evening prevents proper digestion. The result is  bloating and stimulation of the nervous system.
  • This disrupts sleep as it causes heartburn and high blood sugar.

3. Cheese

It is better not to eat cheese in the evening

Cheese, and of course dishes that contain cheese, are best avoided completely before going to bed. It is not harmful to eat cheese, but it is heavy on the stomach. In addition, it can lead to sleeping problems.

  • Cheese contains tyramine, an amino acid that  can inhibit the production of sleep-regulating hormones. 
  • The fats in cheese are difficult for the body to digest and can lead to an irritated stomach.

4. Spicy Herbs

Spices and sauces often have flavors that can take a dish to the next level. It is not wrong to eat them, but it is wise not to use them during dinner.

  • Spicy foods can irritate the lining of the stomach. It can also increase the risk of heartburn and digestive problems.
  • Spicy food in the evening can cause acid reflux and stomach pain.

5. Cauliflower


This crunchy vegetable is healthy and low in calories. Despite the health benefits, it is better not to eat cauliflower in the evening. It has a number of properties that cause flatulence.

  • Eating cauliflower during dinner or a few hours before bedtime makes digestion difficult. This can make it more difficult to fall asleep.
  • In addition, cauliflower can stimulate the nervous system, which can cause periods of insomnia.

6. Red and Processed Meat

Red meat and processed meat

It is best to limit the consumption of red meat and processed meat, regardless of the time of day. Even though meat does contain nutrients, it is not a suitable food for a healthy diet. This is due to the high amount of saturated fats and added chemicals.

  • It is better not to eat red and processed meat in the evening. The proteins it contains hinder digestion and can cause sleeping problems.
  • Thanks to the many calories, it slows down the metabolism and leads to obesity.

Do you want to prevent digestive problems and have a good night’s sleep in the evening? It is best not to eat the above foods in the evening. Instead, eat a light meal that is low in calories. A balanced and balanced diet is especially important for your well-being at this time of the day.

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