The Ten Best Natural Decongestants

I don’t know about you, but when I have a stuffy nose and a cold, I don’t fall asleep easily. They make me feel like I’m being suffocated and no medicine is going to save me. They just dry out the mucus and make me feel even worse. Fortunately, I bring you good news.
The Ten Best Natural Decongestants

It’s done with sleepless nights caused by allergies or the flu. We have the solution for your breathing problems here. In this article we tell you about the 10 best natural decongestants.

The Respiratory System

Your respiratory system consists of the nasal passages, pharynx, larynx, trachea, airways and lungs.

The latter in particular are responsible for gas exchange and the elimination of toxic substances and pathogens that we release through exhalation.

The diaphragm is a transverse muscle that separates the chest cavity in the abdomen and stretches the lungs, increasing their capacity.

Unfortunately, breathing also carries dangers that we could never have imagined, because together with the air certain solid particles enter the body, which can block the airways or even poison the body.

The larger particles are stopped by the hairs and mucous membranes in the nose and respiratory tract. At times, however, the movement of the cilia is not strong enough to sufficiently remove these particles.

This creates a blockage, caused by an accumulation of secretions. This blockage causes difficulty in breathing, a feeling of suffocation and, in even more severe cases, even respiratory arrest.

There are a variety of decongestants to unclog the airways, from medications such as ephedrine to therapies that help clear the secretions.

The 10 Best Natural Decongestants

Here are some treatments that can help relieve any blockage. Choose the remedy that suits you the most and feel the release.

1. Eucalyptus

  • Heat water to make a steam bath.
  • Once boiling, remove it from the heat source and add a handful of eucalyptus leaves. You will notice the results after using the steam bath for about 10 minutes.
  • To sleep like a baby, place eucalyptus in the cover of your pillow, so that when your head is on it you inhale the scent of the plant.
  • Change the leaves the next day.

This remedy can also help relieve asthma.

2. Den

Pine needles and pine cones have antiseptic and embalming effects.

  • Boil a handful of pine sprouts and pine needles in 5 liters of water for 5 minutes.
  • Pour the mixture into a bowl and take a 10-minute steam bath.

3. Tree Bark

You will need two cups of three different types of tree bark: oak, holm oak, and pine.

  • Slowly bring 5 liters of Orujo to a boil and then add the bark for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and add a pinch of rosemary and nettle.
  • Let it cool down and set.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of this remedy with warm milk and drink one glass before going to bed and two before breakfast.

4. Coin


As a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory, mint is a good remedy for clearing airway blockages.

  • Sprinkle a teaspoon of mint leaves into a cup of boiling water and let it steep for a few minutes.
  • Drink two or three cups of this infusion a day or, if you prefer, place three drops of this infusion in each of your nostrils.

5. Lemon

Warm lemon juice is one of the best decongestants to relieve the flu, sore throat, tonsillitis, or other respiratory infections.

You could also gargle with a mixture of warm lemon and warm water every two hours if you don’t want to drink a cup of warm lemon juice.

6. Aloe Vera

aloe vera

To sleep with a clear nose, apply a few drops of aloe vera in your nose. You will quickly notice how effective it is.

7. Lightening Mint and Almond Oil

  • Heat a cup of almond oil and mix it with half a teaspoon of mint oil.
  • Use this mixture to smooth your back and chest.

It is important that you dress appropriately and drink warm mint tea for decongestants like these to work optimally.

8. Onions

  • Cut and chop 5 large onions.
  • Cover them with vegetable oil and let them cook for a while in a warm oven that has been turned off half an hour in advance.
  • Then place them in a flannel bag, brush your chest with olive oil, apply the onion poultice and let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • Cover the compress with a cloth to keep it warm.

9. Garlic

To keep your airways unblocked in the long term, eat two cloves of garlic three times a day for a week. Your nose will thank you for it.

For prevention…

Quit smoking

Hopefully this article has proved helpful to you. Finally, we offer some advice that will help prevent airway blockages in the future.

  • No smoking . The toxins released during the burn of a cigarette not only affect the skin and mouth, but they also encourage the accumulation of fluid in the lungs and suppress the immune system. This leads to various diseases.
  • Avoid secondhand smoke . Stay away from cigarettes and tobacco smoke. Remember. this is very harmful to your health, even if you do not inhale directly.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes . Dress warmly enough in the evening and when it rains. When you have finished exercising, it is preferable not to sit in front of a fan right away. Take care of your lungs!
  • Stay away from chemicals and other substances that could trigger allergies.
  • Get vaccinated . This is important, especially for children and the elderly.

Take care of your health and keep your respiratory system in perfect condition. When in doubt, always consult a doctor.

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