The Signs Of A Toxic Relationship

You may still be in love with your partner, but when you are in a bad relationship, something strange happens. When your partner is not with you, you begin to relax. You suddenly discover that you can ‘breathe’ again.
The Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Sometimes love just isn’t enough. However, there is something even more dangerous. Love can become toxic, create sadness and suck the air out of the room. In the end only jealousy and mistrust remain and it has therefore become a toxic relationship.

You would think that it is easy to recognize when you are in a toxic relationship, but unfortunately this is not the case and that is why several people get involved. When you are in love with someone, your cognitive and emotional state is somewhat disturbed and it can be difficult to ‘wake up’ and see reality. Open your eyes.

In today’s article, we want to show you the clearest signs of a toxic relationship .

How do you know you’re in a toxic relationship?

1. You only see walls where there used to be doors

It is very likely that before you were in a relationship you were a very independent man or woman. You made all the decisions related to your work and your life itself. You had your friends, went out with your colleagues and had a daily routine that made you happy.

But now the relationship you have has adjusted your reality.

  • You find it difficult to decide what to do before your partner agrees. When you tell them that you are planning to go to a company dinner or shopping with a friend. Your partner will often not allow it.
  • Your life from morning to night is completely under control. A symptom of a toxic relationship is that you have to change the type of clothes you wear to make your partner happy, or that things you used to like are no longer allowed. Like wearing makeup, using your cell phone, coming home late…
  • You may also begin to notice that your partner is limiting your own personal development. Maybe he or she thinks you shouldn’t get higher in your job. From one day to the next you see walls around you, where you used to see possibilities…
  • Every day it seems like an invisible fence is being built around you.
Heart and Handcuffs

2. Your emotions are being ignored, attacked or manipulated

Most people enthusiastically share life with another person. Love is so intense, overwhelming, honest and filled with emotions that it is normal to give all of ourselves to the person we love. However, remember that it is important to balance that love with the same amount of self-care.

  • One sign of a toxic relationship is emotional manipulation  and this often manifests itself in the most subtle and destructive ways.
  • Toxic persons always put their own interests first. Remember that these people have very low self esteem and weak personalities. Their insecurities lead to mistrust and the need to control their partner. They may be afraid of being left alone. Afraid of the possibility that another person might take you away from them. This leads to constant surveillance and uncontrollable jealousy…
  • The need to control you gives them full control. Where only one person in the relationship has the right to make decisions. If you don’t do what your partner asks, he or she will come up with clever ways to make you feel guilty. He or she poses as the victim and you take all the blame. You have to be very careful.
Broken heart

3. Your unhappiness grows every day…

Maybe you are still in love with your partner, but something strange is starting to happen. When he or she is not around you, you begin to feel at peace. You can breathe again and finally relax. Look closely at other couples living together more harmoniously. Where each partner respects the personal space of the other and allows personal growth.

Pay attention to your real feelings. If you feel dissatisfied and experience some of the things we have described above, then you start to lose yourself and fall apart… You are not the person you used to be  and you may start to feel that your confidence has been destroyed or that you are broken inside.

You have to pay close attention to all these things. Often the emotional despair you experience can lead to physical symptoms. What do we mean by that? For example, restlessness and anxiety can cause headaches or pain, nausea and more. Individuals with these symptoms may go to the doctor, but never receive the correct diagnosis.  For example, a doctor tells you that you suffer from migraines, but what you actually suffer from is depression caused by your unfortunate situation.


How can you escape your toxic relationship?

It may be hard to believe, but statistics show that toxic relationships can sometimes last for years. How is this possible? Here are some of the sad reasons:

  • Some people are afraid of the consequences of leaving their partner. They are afraid of their children or that their partner will become angry and violent.
  • For some people it is difficult to be ‘alone’. They are, as it were, forced to suffer in an unhappy situation instead of living in loneliness.
  • Sometimes these relationships last because the couple is still in love. However, it is an unhealthy love that can only cause harm and yet they do not see that it can be otherwise. It may sound weird, but it’s true.

To escape a toxic relationship, you must first become aware of what is happening. Understand and accept the situation and admit to yourself that you are unhappy. Your friends and family may have seen these signs much earlier than you. Lean on them and seek support when you need it.

The next step is to talk to your partner. Tell him or her how you feel, explain your frustration and unhappiness. If you see that he or she is not motivated to improve the situation or if you think it will never get better… then you have to let go.

Your peace of mind and emotional health and integrity come first. So never doubt yourself.

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