The Properties Of Judasoor And Its Applications

The consumption of Judas ear apparently reduces the risk of complex diseases due to its antioxidant capacity. In addition, it contains fiber, which is good for digestion.
The properties of Judasoor and its uses

Judas ear is native to tropical climates. It is common in India and on islands in the Pacific Ocean. However, it also occurs in the Netherlands, and is mainly found on the trunks of fallen trees. However, it is only in recent years that they have been cultivated.

These mushrooms have many health properties and are therefore recommended in a healthy diet. We are going to tell you everything you need to know about this mushroom so that you can take advantage of its benefits.

Nutritional value of Judas ear

This mushroom is low in calories, because it contains only 20 kcal per 100 grams. It provides some carbohydrates and a practically negligible percentage of proteins and fats. However, it stands out for its concentration of fiber.

Mushrooms on a tree trunk

In terms of micronutrients, it is a high source of, among other things:

  • sodium
  • potassium
  • calcium
  • phosphorus

Its most notable property, however, is the presence of antioxidant phytonutrients.

Culinary applications

Judasoor is often used for sauces. You can also add it to soups and broths to improve organoleptic properties.

Plus, it’s great for stews because it enhances the flavor of meats. Mushrooms add color and specific flavors to dishes. They also contribute to a special, gelatinous texture.

Health Benefits Of Judas Ear

The consumption of judasoor can bring a number of health benefits. We will explain them to you and indicate whether or not these properties are scientifically substantiated.

Slows down aging

Edible plants usually contain phytonutrients with an antioxidant effect. Judas ear grows on plants so it is no exception and has a range of pigments responsible for its color. We know them as anthocyanins.

There are indications that these compounds can neutralize the formation of free radicals and thus reduce the risk of developing complex diseases. In addition, they can delay the onset of premature aging.

It can improve the functioning of the immune system

Judas ear contains a significant amount of prebiotic compounds. These are nothing more than soluble fiber that ferments at the gut level. It promotes the growth of good gut microbiota.

Subsequently, there would be a noticeable improvement in immune system function, according to a study published in Immunology and Cell Biology . There is a close relationship between the body’s defenses and the quality of the microbiota. The latter acts as a barrier against pathogenic micro-organisms.

A mushroom on moss

Judas ear could protect the liver

This is the most controversial claim. However, there is some evidence linked to the continued supply of antioxidants that appear to promote liver health. This is because antioxidants help modulate inflammation and neutralize waste products produced by the liver, facilitating their elimination.


At present, there are no known side effects of Judasoor, so it is a safe product and its marketing is legal in all countries.

Keep in mind that you should wash and boil them well before eating them to remove any bacteria or dirt that may be present. That is the best way to avoid health risks.

Ways to prepare it

As mentioned above, the best way to prepare judasoor is by cutting it into small pieces and adding it to sauces, rice, stocks and soups. It imparts a good amount of flavor and color and enhances the organoleptic characteristics of any dish.

It can also be purchased in dried form. Just let it soak before cooking, unless you’re adding it to a soup or stew.

Judas ear is a great addition to any diet

As you can see, Judasoor is good for your health, but in many countries this mushroom is not eaten. However, you can find it in many Oriental and Asian dishes.

The most common form in western countries is canned or dehydrated. That’s because these processes extend the mushroom’s shelf life without unduly altering its organoleptic characteristics. We encourage you to add it to your meals, it provides a different touch and a significant amount of antioxidants.

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