The One Who Really Loves You Makes You Happy

The person who loves you will make you happy, make you feel like you are flying and moreover, this person will do everything to make you happy.
The one who really loves you makes you happy

All too often people fall into the trap of the idea that true love means suffering. That the tears involved are simply part of the way relationships are maintained. The one who really loves you should make you happy.

This idea is rooted in an old-fashioned idea of ​​romantic love. This distorted view of what affection and the pillars of a committed and healthy relationship really are has emotionally damaged multiple partners for generations.

In this article we therefore invite you to reflect on this a little more.

The person who loves you won’t hurt you

tears of gold

Maybe someone in your life has said something similar to this to you: “It is what it is, like it or not. In relationships, someone will always be in pain. That is normal.”

Sometimes what is considered ‘normal’ can carry dangerous dimensions, which can be very destructive.

That’s why it’s important to know that love doesn’t mean you have to suffer. That whoever brings you tears in a relationship doesn’t really love you. Or loving you in a ‘wrong’, unhealthy way.

Romantic love or love in which pain is accepted

The more pain, passion and possession, the greater the love. These are some of the more classic ideas that created the ideal of romantic love. The kind of love you often see in books and movies.

  • Believe it or not, this idea is still very much alive among many young people and adolescents. They think their partner’s jealousy or possessiveness shows how much he/she loves them. This can leave them exposing themselves to very dangerous relationships.
  • In addition, they understand the concept of romantic love only in the early stages of their relationship. It is dominated by passion. Because of this, they may not be able to see that it is precisely a relaxed, mutual love that paves the way for a more mature and stable phase.
  • Another misconception that often accompanies romantic love is the idea that suffering is inevitable. You may think that the tears are inevitable, something that must be accepted and endured. However, this is not at all an appropriate or advised way of thinking.

Today it is very easy to find people who are stuck in an unhappy or destructive relationship where their self-confidence is completely destroyed, or people who have fallen for a dependent relationship in which both partners tolerate pain and tears.

Instead, try to believe in the idea that true love should never cause pain.

It is important to point out that healthy and true love is never out to destroy.

Conscious, mature love

man and woman in an embrace

No one is born with all the knowledge of what love really is. This knowledge is gained through disappointment, through occasional hurt. Even by turning your back on a relationship so you can rediscover yourself.

  • Never blame yourself when a relationship fails. Also, don’t convince yourself that ‘love equals suffering’. This is not true; it shouldn’t be true anyway.
  • Conscious love always starts with the same message that is so simple and essential, which is ‘love yourself’.
  • Only when you are sure of your own self-confidence. You have a clear idea of ​​what you really earn. Only then can you begin to build healthy, responsible, and happy relationships.
  • Mature love is the kind of love that strives for what is best for both people as a couple. To achieve this, you must always start with your inner self first.
  • A confident person who is self-aware will not let himself be trapped by his fears or his urge to control. This is because he is always afraid that the other person will betray him.

The person who loves you will respect and trust you and will never betray you.

The one who loves you is supposed to make you happy

drawing of a man and woman

Stimulate the happiness of the people you love – this is a virtue that shapes you as a person. It is completely useless to cause tears and pain to another or yourself. Anyone who thinks this is normal or correct has a distorted and damaging view of what relationships really mean.

  • Some people think it’s normal to sometimes be hurt by their partner. This thought is fueled by a very clear goal: to control the partner.
  • At the same time, some people are surprised when they see that they have upset their partner. They think their partner is offended by everything and that everything they do hurts their partner.

In this case, you are dealing with someone who cannot be compassionate. Someone who does not take responsibility for his own actions.

The person who truly loves you will strive to make you happy, to bring a smile to your face even on dark days and bring joy to your heart.

Every smile is part of that hidden engine in your relationship that is made up of happiness, reciprocity and trust.

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