The Many Positive Properties Of Cranberry Juice

Did you know that cranberry juice contains even more antioxidant power than spinach? Read in this article how incredible the benefits of this fruit are!
The many positive properties of cranberry juice

In the last two or three years you can find more and more commercial juice brands in the supermarket that also sell cranberry juice . But is it also a good idea to drink it? Or does it cause the same damage as soft drinks?

The answer is: yes, you can drink it, but don’t drink it too much. Also make sure you buy the most natural version. It is important that you read the labels.

cranberry juice

You really should avoid the juices that have added sugars and preservatives.

Cranberries are very small compared to other fruits. Nevertheless, they are still a great source of water. That is also the reason why their taste and properties were very much used by the Native American tribes.

The amount of antioxidants makes this juice a good addition to your diet. It actually has greater nutritional value than broccoli and spinach.

Also for children

For that reason, it is also a good idea to give a small glass of cranberry juice to your children.

We will explain more about the benefits of drinking cranberry juice in this article.

It has anti-carcinogenic and anti-tumor effects

This effect of cranberry juice is attributed to the polyphenol components. These elements slow the development and spread of tumors. This is especially true for lung, breast, colon and prostate tumors.

Blood clots are another factor that promotes the formation of tumors in the body. Cranberry juice also helps to reduce the inflammation that causes blockages in the bloodstream. This is due to the high content of salicylic acid.


Since cranberry juice contains flavonoids, it will inhibit the growth of harmful cells at the same time. That is why natural cranberry juice reduces the growth of tumors and slows the spread of cancer.

It reduces the occurrence of cavities in the teeth

Cavities in the teeth

Proanthocyanidin is a chemical compound found in cranberries. It inhibits the harmful bacteria that usually cling to your teeth. It also reduces the production of acid.

This action of the cranberry juice protects your teeth against gum problems. It also protects against plaque buildup.

Oral hygiene

Cranberry juice and good oral hygiene are a perfect combination to take care of oral health. You just have to remember that it won’t work if you drink processed juices, because the sugar content in these types of drinks is usually too high.

It strengthens bones and teeth

Cranberry juice contains a large amount of calcium. Keep this in mind if you have problems with osteoporosis. It is a good idea to drink half a glass of this juice every day.

Many companies that make this juice usually add calcium. If you decide to drink these brands, we recommend that you choose the version with the least amount of sugar.

Only natural sugars

It can be tempting to ditch these natural juices because of the sugar they contain, but try not to forget that a little juice will provide you with enough calcium to prevent major damage.

So remember that this juice should only contain natural sugars.

It improves heart health


Cranberry juice helps to reduce the risk of heart disease. That is thanks to the large amount of flavonoids.

These ingredients act as an antioxidant. This reduces the chance of problems such as arteriosclerosis. This is a disease in which the arteries narrow as a result of an accumulation of lipids, calcium and cholesterol in the blood.


Arteriosclerosis is dangerous because it can clog the circulation. This ensures that certain parts of the body do not receive the necessary amount of oxygen. If you don’t get the right treatment, you can end up in trouble. It can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

This juice has other benefits as well. It cleanses the blood and removes toxic elements. This cleanse is important to avoid liver problems.

It fights obesity

Pants too tight

When you drink cranberry juice, you help the body to remove and dispose of the fat that has accumulated due to biological acids.

But that doesn’t mean you can drink this juice and stop exercising. It also doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stick to a balanced diet. The opposite is true.

A balanced diet keeps you from constantly eating unnecessary fats. By moving and exercising, you remove the fats you already had.

Get rid of fat

What this juice only does is help to get rid of the fat that has accumulated in your body. By itself, this drink won’t make you lose those extra pounds.

Drink half a glass of cranberry juice every day and live healthier

Now that you’ve read this, you’re probably craving a glass of cranberry juice. But it’s still good to remember to be careful with the amount.

The taste of this drink can be too sweet. As a result, many people find it difficult to get used to it. If this is the case for you, we recommend using it in smoothies or diluting it with water.

If you can’t give up the soft drinks because you miss the carbonation, try this recipe:

What ingredients do you need?

  • 2 cups cranberry juice
  • 1/2 cup sparkling water
  • Ice cubes to taste

How do you prepare it?

  • Mix all ingredients well. You will notice that the result is very refreshing. It is also much healthier than what you usually drink.
  • You can increase or decrease the amount of juice to adjust the sweetness of the drink to your taste.

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