The Effect Of Inner Conflicts On Your Well-being, Health And Happiness

There are times when we go against our own wishes in order to avoid conflict with others. But it’s important to keep in mind how necessary it is to express yourself. Because only in that way do you lose the inner tension.
The effect of inner conflicts on your well-being, your health and your happiness

Have you ever taken the time to think about the possible consequences of constantly avoiding conflict ?

Examples of this behavior are:

  • no discussion or
  • don’t say ‘no’ even if you don’t want to do something.

Indeed, if you often act like this, it is important to remember that this way of acting can eventually lead to even more problems.

What do you hope to achieve with this?

You may be making an effort to avoid starting a discussion. However, that does not mean that the conflict will not take place. In other words, you will cause an even worse inner struggle within yourself. So you are usually the ultimate loser.

By avoiding conflict, you hurt yourself

You didn’t say “no” because you were afraid of the other person’s reaction. But this behavior will start working inside you in a negative way.

In your head you will have a battle about saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’. You will also have an inner battle about the emotions you are experiencing, because you will get the feeling that you are again on the short side.

There is really nothing worse than doing something without really wanting to do it. Because you will feel bad and very sad.

But you know what?

The reason for this is that deep down you know that you are deceiving yourself.

This is an easy way to hurt yourself. You always try not to let anyone down. You don’t want them to drop you either. But the reality is that you don’t show the same amount of respect for yourself.

So it is not worth making that kind of effort and avoiding conflict. You have to give yourself the priority you deserve.

Listen to your heart!

Eliminate the fear of what will happen, what others will say or how angry they will be. That’s not your problem. You have to listen to your heart and say what you really want.

If you don’t, this will become a constant problem. Then you start deceiving yourself again.

suppress feelings

Feelings play an important role when you avoid conflict  because you forcefully suppress your emotions. You bury your feelings so they can’t come out.

But just because you suppress those feelings doesn’t mean they won’t manifest. You can indeed try to contain your emotions, but after some prodding they always come out. Sooner or later you will lose control.

What causes loss of control?

Several factors can cause this loss of control. Not saying what you really want to say, not expressing your opinion because you are afraid how others will see you or not saying what bothers you in the behavior of your partner, your friend or your brother and so on.

These situations continue to follow each other. As a result, you keep filling your bag with emotions. You will continue to fill the bag until it is completely full. All these feelings are negative. And when you start overflowing, the bag will explode. This happens at a time when you least expect it, in the worst situation and in the worst possible way.

How will it end?

Because you have swallowed so many feelings, it will eventually cause you to lose control. A small disagreement can suddenly turn into chaos.

Has anyone ever told you “It’s not that bad”? Or maybe even said “Don’t act like that, you’re exaggerating”? Perhaps this is a sign that your emotional bag is exploding.

Don’t poison yourself

Suppressing your feelings also has an effect on your body :

  • It’s like the body is screaming out
  • You can get strong, unexplained headaches and stomachaches

All these symptoms are the result of repressing your emotions.

Your fears encourage you not to show who you really are. That’s how you become your own poison. As a result, you will feel unfaithful to your own principles and to what you want.

stop this

Stop agreeing with everyone at all times to avoid conflict. The negative reaction may never even come. It may be a scenario that you are just imagining. Or maybe there is a negative response after all. That’s because everyone else knows you never say no.

Don’t hurt yourself anymore

Don’t be afraid of the reaction of others. Your well-being and your health should be the most important things. The same goes for your happiness and for what you want.

Finally learn to put yourself first. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do and don’t say anything you don’t want to say.

Try to think less. Don’t whine so much either. Because the worst storms occur in our imagination.

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