The Best Foods For Healthy Skin

Eating healthy will give you younger looking and glowing skin. Chocolate, nuts and broccoli provide important nutrients for skin health.
The best foods for healthy skin

Vitamin F….

You can use all the creams and expensive treatments in the world, but to get healthy skin, you also have to change your diet. In today’s article, we’ll tell you which foods should be on your table every day for healthy skin and feeling better inside.

Which foods are good for healthy skin?

Good nutrition is fundamental to your health. This not only has to do with preventing or treating diseases, but also with how you look. Your skin needs several nutrients to produce collagen and protect you from the elements.

With healthy foods and a balanced diet, you have healthy, younger and radiant skin. Of course, you should exercise regularly and occasionally add a treatment like exfoliation and deep cleansing to your routine.

1. Chocolate

Milk and dark chocolate

Some people consider this ‘forbidden’ because they are on a diet or because they think it is bad for their health. However, one thing needs to be explained: it all depends on the fat and cocoa content of the chocolate. That is why we recommend eating dark chocolate with a higher percentage of cocoa.

Cocoa contains flavonoids, antioxidants and beneficial fatty acids that help hydrate your skin, increase elasticity and deeply nourish it. In addition, certain components from cocoa slow down premature aging and protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation.

2. Olive oil

This is one of the most beneficial oils in the world and is also widely used in the ‘Mediterranean diet’. It is very easy to obtain. Olive oil contains high amounts of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as vitamins E and K.

These nutrients act as antioxidants by helping to remove toxins from the body and keep your skin looking better than ever. We recommend adding olive oil to salads and other dishes. For cold preparations, always opt for the extra virgin variety, as it contains more polyphenols that fight the effects of free radicals.

3. Broccoli

Bowl with broccoli

In fact, cabbages and cruciferous vegetables will promote healthy skin. This is due to the antioxidants and vitamins they contain. In the case of broccoli , its high vitamin C content promotes collagen production, making your skin more elastic.

Broccoli also contains vitamin E that protects your cell membranes from UV radiation. You can enjoy broccoli in many different ways, such as in salads, quiches, with eggs or cheese, in soups or stews.

4. Fatty Fish

Within this group you will find salmon, tuna, sardines and herring. They are all excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids, an essential nutrient that helps repair damaged skin cells. It also adds elasticity to the skin while reducing wrinkles.

5. Nuts

Foods for healthy skin

If you want your skin to be supple and free of blemishes, there is nothing better than eating nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts. They contain a lot of vitamin E, which neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals . These are responsible for dull, lifeless skin.

Almonds in particular provide you with a lot of vitamins A, E and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids to reduce premature aging. They also contain folic acid, which is ideal for oily acne-prone skin. And that’s not all: Zinc reduces the degeneration of the elastic fibers in your skin and prevents your cells from drying out by storing more water.

6. Carrots

One of the main features of this popular orange vegetable is that it is high in beta-carotene. This antioxidant is converted in the body to vitamin A, which helps to repair your tissues and protect cells from sun exposure.

7. Red bell pepper

Three peppers

Like carrots, peppers are high in beta-carotene (that’s why they’re red). They are also high in vitamins B6 and C, to improve blood flow to your skin. They prevent wrinkles and blemishes and are great antioxidants. Peppers are therefore ideal for healthy, smooth and youthful skin. Another vegetable with similar properties is the tomato.

8. Fruits

Most fruits are good for your skin. This is because they are high in water, fiber, and phytochemicals that help your skin maintain proper hydration while eliminating toxins. Some of the most recommended varieties include:

  • apples
  • watermelon
  • pears
  • melon

The best part is that fruits have almost no calories, they satisfy your appetite and they quench your thirst. So this is the reason why you cannot eliminate fruits from your diet.

At the same time, it is a good idea to consume more citrus fruits because they provide you with a lot of vitamin C. With the help of these antioxidants, your body can remove the waste products that clog your pores and can give your skin a beautiful glow.

9. Whole Grains and Seeds

Foods for healthy skin

You need a lot of selenium to have healthy skin. You can find this mineral in whole grains. Selenium protects your skin against external influences and UV radiation. It also promotes greater elasticity.

As for seeds, pumpkin seeds are the best choice, as they contain beta-carotene and zinc. Both nutrients protect your cell membranes and increase your collagen production.

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