The African Mango, The Fruit That Changed Diets Forever

The African mango is a natural dietary product that can have a beneficial effect on cholesterol and body fat.
The African mango, the fruit that changed diets forever

There really is no point in trying to survive by nibbling on celery stalks. After all, we must continue to enjoy food. Because it cannot be denied that it is not only a necessity, but also simply enjoyable.  However, if you would like to lose those few extra pounds that have been bothering you for a while, we offer you the ideal solution: a solution that helps you lose at least 8-11 kilos in 4 weeks.

Sounds incredible, right? Together we will discover the secrets of  the African mango, the fruit that changed diets forever.

The fruit that changed diets forever

The African mango, scientific name Irvingia gabonesis, comes from a tree that grows in West Africa and grows about 25 to 40 meters tall. The mango is highly valued for its dietary and medicinal properties.

The seed of this fruit is known as dika nuts or ogbono.  According to several anthropological studies, the African mango is used in West Africa not only as a food, but also as a medicine against yellow fever and persistent diarrhea. The most interesting thing about this fruit is that it also comes in handy during the hunt, as it reduces the appetite.

What does it do for your weight?

Now you are probably wondering how this type of fruit affects a person’s weight?  The African mango has sparked the curiosity of many scientists and has been carefully researched. So far, there have been three different studies that all came to the same conclusion: African mango helps you lose weight.

For two of the three studies, two groups of people who needed to lose weight were randomly selected. The subjects then ate a certain amount of African mango or a placebo, depending on the group, for 4 weeks and 10 weeks, without changing their daily routine.

Once the studies ended, it became clear that  the subjects who ate Irvingia Gabonesis about 30 minutes before their meal had lost about 5.6% of their body weight  (10 kilograms in the case of the second study).

African mango vs a placebo

This is in stark contrast to the subjects who took the placebo and lost only 1% of their body weight. The researchers also observed a reduction in blood cholesterol and glucose levels.  The third study injected mice with an extract of the African mango,  IGOB131, and concluded that it reduced fat storage in the cells.

Today, there are several companies that offer capsules of this irvingia gabonesis extract, based on the three studies and the positive testimonials from hundreds of people who have already used the product. Below is a summary of the benefits of the African mango.

Benefits of the African mango


  • Significant weight loss: ranging from 3 kilograms in the first week to 11 kilograms in the fourth
  • Helps burn fat
  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Reduces cholesterol levels, especially in terms of LDL
  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels
  • Causes a decreased appetite: caused by a high fiber content
  • Anti-oxidant properties
  • Also aids in the elimination of toxins
  • Effective food supplement:  due to the presence of Vitamin B
  • Regulates the activity of leptin:  influences the feeling of satisfaction

Amazing, right? You’re guaranteed to want to try it, but there are some things you need to know first.

What should I do?

There are some things to keep in mind when buying and eating African mango.

1. Just the seeds

Remember that the seeds of the African mango are only used to prepare the capsules, so don’t be fooled. Be sure to check whether IGOB131 is actually present in the extract you buy. The effectiveness of this extract has been tested in a study and the good results of the treatment depend on the quality of the formula used.

2. Dietary Supplement

The African mango is a healthy dietary supplement, as its influence on your appetite will cause you to consume fewer and fewer calories in each of your six daily meals. Drink plenty of water and sports a bit, where possible.

3. Eat the mango before your meals

The extract capsule has been shown to work best when taken with a glass of water about 30 minutes before your meal.

4. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines

Although it is a natural supplement, it is still important to check the correct dose on the packaging, as it depends on the purity of the exact. Follow the guidelines and you will see results quickly.

5. Watch out for scammers

Be aware that you can be scammed if you buy something on the internet, whether it’s poor quality, using a different type of mango that doesn’t have a slimming effect, or selling products that don’t exist. You can always order the fruit from a store that offers refunds and you should avoid pages that offer exceptional prices.

Does the product have side effects?

mango pieces

No, only the African mango, like any other new type of food you add to your diet and thereby alter your metabolism, can have side effects that last for several days. There’s no need to be scared, here they come:

Side Effects Of African Mango

  • Headaches:  This usually means you’re not drinking enough water and your blood sugar is on the low side.
  • Flatulence:  Due to the accelerated metabolism.
  • Insomnia:  This is caused by an increase in energy levels, but usually disappears quickly.
  • Nausea:  Nausea is very rare, but can be the result of reduced calorie intake caused by loss of appetite.

Latest Tips

Now you know the positive and negative effects that the African mango can have on your life. This could be the outcome you’ve been waiting for so long. Namely a natural, cheap but above all effective product.

The ultimate choice is of course yours, but grab the reins and give yourself a chance to shed those extra pounds. Eat African mango and the future will smile at you.

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