The 3 Big Differences Between Stress And Anxiety

While fear comes from within, stress is external. Learn the main differences between stress and anxiety in this article.
The 3 Big Differences Between Stress and Anxiety

Many confuse anxiety and stress and think they are the same thing, but today we will discuss some major differences between stress and anxiety and clear up this misunderstanding once and for all.

Anxiety is a reaction that arises from worry,  thoughts about the past, or negative experiences that still occur in the present.

Stress is usually the product of external pressure,  as you may have from work. Stress can even have a positive effect. It can make you more productive and help you get things done (however, this isn’t always how it goes!)

The differences between stress and anxiety

1. Stress and anxiety have different origins

Woman stressed by her job

One of the biggest differences between stress and anxiety is that  they have different triggers,  even if they seem the same at first glance.

Anxiety arises from a sensation of being afraid and is often irrational. 

For example, you may be afraid of the following:

  • for losing a loved one
  • to be alone
  • to fail

Stress  occurs when you feel overwhelmed with obligations  and you don’t think you can do it all. It can also happen when you don’t have everything you need to complete your daily tasks.

For example, not having enough time to dress your kids before going to work.

2. Anxiety is a symptom of stress

anxious woman

The confusion between stress and anxiety stems from the fact that the  second symptom is the symptom that stems from the first. However, this is only so in specific cases.

As we mentioned earlier,  stress is something that occurs at some point. It tends to come and go. However, there is also chronic stress.

When you can’t shake off the stress, it keeps you from sleeping  and this causes you to have obsessive thoughts and problems at home, then anxiety can show up, as a product of stress.

When anxiety becomes a symptom of stress, it can be accompanied by:

  • severe fatigue
  • emotional fatigue
  • lack of motivation
  • depression

3. Social pressure leads to stress; beliefs lead to fear

Woman with depression due to stress

Another major difference between stress and anxiety is that  anxiety is a result of beliefs from the perspective of how you see the world.

For example, if there is a family belief that all men leave women, every time you are with your boyfriend or husband you will fear that this will happen to you.

This fear can lead to certain behaviors such as:

  • being controlling
  • have no confidence
  • can’t let him go

This behavior causes the other person to create distance and this will actually exacerbate the fear.

The solution? You have to change your beliefs.

Living without stress and anxiety: is it possible?

A woman who does not suffer from stress and anxiety

We have now taken a look at the differences between stress and anxiety. Now you may be wondering:  can you live without stress and anxiety? 

The answer is ‘no’. However, you can  reduce the triggers. 

You should also not forget that both stress and anxiety also have a positive side. 

Anxiety is a state of alertness and encourages you to review things (worries, beliefs) that need to be changed. Changing your perspective and letting go of certain beliefs that don’t actually help you  will bring more peace. 

Stress is something that can also be positive because it keeps you going. It makes you productive and helps you meet deadlines. However, the stress should not wear you out.

Be sure that this only occurs at a certain point in your life and does not become a part of your daily life.

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