Ten Tricks To Keep Your Clothes Like New

If you don’t want your clothes to wear out too quickly, it’s important to pay attention to a few details when washing. In this article, we’ll tell you how you can keep your clothes looking like new for longer. 
Ten tricks to keep your clothes like new

It is becoming more and more common these days that we buy a new piece of clothing that then wears out quite quickly. For example, small holes appear along the seams, the colors fade or the clothing loses its shape.

This causes people to renew their wardrobe more and more, which is not only annoying for their image, but also for their wallet. To solve this problem, in this article we share some tips to keep your clothes like new. 

Ten simple tricks to keep your clothes looking like new

1. Wash only the clothes that are dirty

This may seem logical, but there are still a lot of people who throw their clothes in the laundry basket after wearing them once. Remember that the more often you wash your clothes, the faster they will wear out.

2. Be careful with the first wash

The right way to wash jeans to keep clothes like new

The first time you wash a new garment is the most important. This wash could damage the color and elastic of a garment. In addition, your garments can come into contact with chemical products that can affect it. It is always wise to follow the washing instructions carefully. 

3. Separate dark garments from light garments

While we may feel like we live in a world far too rushed for this sort of thing these days, it’s important not to neglect this traditional trick:

  • This will ensure that you can wash colored clothes in the right way. This way you keep the color.
  • White clothing generally requires a different method than colored clothing. If you wash it correctly, your clothes will stay nice and white and the fabric will stay in good shape.
  • Colored laundry also has different washing instructions. If you follow this, the colored laundry will also retain the correct colour.

4. Don’t stuff the washing machine full

Don't overfill your washing machine

To keep your clothes looking new, it’s a good idea not to put too much in the washing machine at the same time. The amount of clothing determines the amount of detergent and the amount of water. If you ignore this advice, the process will not be performed correctly. This can damage your clothing.

That is why it is very important to understand how full you should load your washing machine. If you don’t know this, you could turn your washing machine, which is supposed to be an ally to you, into an enemy.

5. Use cold water

The temperature at which you wash your clothes is also very important. Keep in mind that to keep a product in good condition, cold water is usually used. Clothing is no exception to this:

  • Cold water protects the fabric.
  • It keeps your clothes looking new.

6. Check out the neckline and sleeves

Before putting a piece of clothing in the washing machine, it’s a good idea to take a good look at the neckline and sleeves. If these parts look a little dirty, apply some baking soda. 

This makes it easier to remove the oil from these areas. This will not only keep your clothes clean, but will also look like new after every wash.

7. Natural products work just as well

Washing clothes with natural means

Wanting to keep your clothes looking good while also taking care of the environment go hand in hand. Try using some natural fabric softeners, such as: 

  • vinegar
  • apple cider vinegar

These alternative means are very good for your clothes. C hemische detergents, bleaches and fabric softeners are in fact often very aggressive and harmful. These resources may even have made you increasingly concerned about the state of your wardrobe.

8. Use a laundry bag

Laundry bags are becoming increasingly popular among people who like to keep their clothes looking new. These bags are intended to protect clothing from friction during washing. This friction can cause the clothing to become fluffy and lose its shape.

9. Close Zippers

This is a very important step. If you don’t close the zippers, the teeth will constantly rub against the other garments. This can cause the fabric to weaken and become damaged. So if you want to keep your clothes looking new, don’t forget to always make sure every zipper is closed.

10. Check the bags

If you forget to take coins or other objects out of your pockets, this can have two consequences:

  • the fabric of the garment becomes weaker
  • the color of the garment fades

In addition, coins rub against other items of clothing. Because the drum of the washing machine continues to rotate, this can cause your garment to be pulled.

These coins can also cause the color of your clothes to fade or change. The dyes in a coin can mix with the water in the washing machine. This can affect the color of your garment.

With these ten tricks to keep your clothes looking new, your clothes will look good for a lot longer. These new washing habits will also have a positive impact on the environment!

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