Surprising Properties Of Red Wine

Red wine helps to cleanse the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots and protects the tissue of the large blood vessels.
Surprising properties of red wine

A glass of red wine a day can have many health benefits. Recent research has shown that 1 to 2 glasses a day only gives positive results and can even fight disease. But remember, as always, everything in moderation.

Excessive consumption of alcohol will only nullify the positive effects and cause damage to body and mind. But what are the health benefits of this daily glass of red wine?

The benefits of red wine

The benefits of red wine

1. Lose a few pounds with red wine

Did you know that red wine can help with weight loss? Red wine indeed has an amazing property. It activates a gene that prevents the formation of new fat cells. In addition , this tasty drink stimulates the body’s natural detox, which promotes the slow elimination of fat.

Research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has repeatedly confirmed these results and published the figures in various scientific publications.

If you like to go for this weight loss method, don’t forget that 2 glasses a day is the limit ! Never overfill your glass either, but use the image above as a healthy guideline. Of course you will see your beautiful silhouette again faster if you combine the daily glass with a healthy and low-fat, balanced diet.

2. It improves brain function

Drinking red wine in moderation is a great way to boost brain function. “How is this possible?” you are probably wondering.

Several studies have shown that regularly drinking a glass of red wine could help reduce the onset of dementia and other degenerative brain disorders.

It also contains substances that help reduce inflammation and may prevent hardening of the arteries. The chance of the formation of blood clots decreases, which improves the condition of the circulatory system in general.

Red wine heals gum disease

3. Red wine heals gum disease

If you regularly experience bleeding gums, drink a glass of red wine every now and then with a meal. Grapes contain nutrients that, when fermented into red wine, are able to eliminate streptococci and other bacteria that cause oral cavity problems.

In this way you can prevent the development of gum disease and even throat infections. At the same time, wine contains substances that support the resistance of the human body, making you more resistant to, for example, the flu and colds.

4. Tackle fatigue with red wine

This one is pretty surprising, isn’t it? Several articles have already appeared in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), which find that the resveratrol component, which makes red wine so healthy, also supports the energy suppliers of the body’s cells.

So feel free to drink a glass of red wine on the days when you feel less energetic or tired. A tip worth remembering.

5. Red wine releases endorphins

Moderate drinking of this wine releases endorphins in the brain, so that you feel relaxed faster and can enjoy “the now” even more.

These findings were made by the University of California. Combining this delicious drink with natural, healthy foods, prepared according to solid recipes, will complete a relaxed and enjoyable meal.

Red wine releases endorphins

6. Cleanse your palate with a glass of wine

This may seem strange, but wine contains substances that possess astringent properties, which further nuance the delicious taste of the meal. They reduce the taste of the fat present in meat meals, making the oral cavity feel fresher and cleaner.

Definitely recommend ordering a glass of red wine at your next dinner party!

7. Lower Cholesterol With Red Wine

Red wine increases the good cholesterol and protects against cardiovascular disease and the levels of bad cholesterol decrease.  It is also rich in antioxidants that can be found in resveratrol.

Resveratrol is a compound that is also present in fruits and many plants. It is known to slow down the aging process and is said to have a  beneficial effect on age-related diseases such as:

  • heart and vascular disease
  • diabetes
  • overweight
  • even cancer

8. Good for your heart

Red wine is rich in polyphenols, including resveratrol as mentioned above, but also contains a lot of vitamin E. As a result, drinking red wine in moderation can prevent blood clots and provide extra protection for the walls of the arteries.

The polyphenols present are also said to regulate the gas-nitric oxide balance in the blood. This widens the blood vessels. So you can see that this one glass a day can contribute to a good condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Red wine is good for your heart

9. Reducing Cancer Risk

Red wine has an incredibly high antioxidant effect. This all-natural product can help prevent the formation and growth of cells responsible for breast and lung cancer.

Again, it is resveratrol that is responsible for this. It kicks in when elevated estrogen levels, related to certain cancers in women, and cancer cell growth are observed.

10. Drinking Red Wine May Help Reduce Urinary Tract Infections

The astringent properties and antioxidant effect of red wine, already described above, is also responsible for the fact that bacteria do not have the chance to survive for long in the bladder and kidneys. This reduces the risk of bladder and kidney infections as well as the formation of painful kidney stones.

The filter function of the kidneys is additionally stimulated, so that these organs undergo a completely natural detox.

If you would like to take advantage of this impressive list of positive and often surprising health benefits of a single glass of red wine a day, do not hesitate and look for a tasty, quality wine and treat yourself regularly to a glass during dinner!

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