Strong Arm Muscles With 3 Exercises

If you’re not used to working with your arms, start slow. Don’t force yourself, because you can cause injuries. When you have acquired a solid foundation, you can do more exercises.

Strong arm muscles can be used for anything and everything. Plus it looks great!

The strength of your arms and legs depends, among other things, on the muscle mass. The muscles must therefore be constantly strengthened. But muscle mass is not the only factor that plays a role in strengthening the arm muscles. Another important factor is muscle tone.

What is muscle tension?

Muscle tension is also known by the term ‘muscle tone’, or the force exerted by the muscle at rest.

The job of muscle tension is to keep the body in partial muscle contraction. That helps you to have a good posture. In other words, it maintains the structure of your body. There should be muscle tension in all muscles, including those of the arms.

As for the strength of the arms, there are a number of other influential factors. Flexibility and hydration also play an important role.

It is therefore very important that you eat healthy, drink enough and keep your muscles in shape.

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Why should I train my arm muscles?

When we talk about the muscle function of the arms, we are not just talking about strength and appearance.

Significant problems can arise if we do not move the arm muscles sufficiently or in a bad way.  Examples are:

  • muscle atrophy
  • Hypotonia

These are serious conditions. They are best treated with physical activity.

We now propose a series of exercises that you can do to strengthen your arm muscles.

Exercises to strengthen your arm muscles

There are many ways to strengthen your arms. Follow a good diet and get plenty of fluids. However, physical training is fundamental to gain stronger muscles.

We give you three great exercises here:

1. Triceps dips

Many make a number of mistakes when creating a training plan to strengthen the arm muscles. The most common problem is that people pay too much attention to the biceps and thus neglect the other muscles, such as the deltoids and the triceps.

That’s why we focus here on an exercise called ‘triceps dips’ or bends of the triceps. You can do the exercises anywhere and they are very easy.

  • To start, stand with your back to something you can rest your hands on (a bench, wall, or chair are some examples.)
  • Spread the legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Make sure your arms are at a 90-degree angle as you lower the body.
  • You use gravity and body weight in this exercise. Lower the body, but keep your legs in the same place.
  • Do four sets of ten reps.

2. Arm scissors

In this exercise you work all the major muscles of the arms, but the emphasis is on the deltoids. They are part of the shoulders.

  • Stand normally (feet shoulder-width apart).
  • Hold a weight in each hand. Extend the arms on either side of the body.
  • Bring the weights forward as if to hold them together, but continue until you form an X (hence the name “scissors”).
  • Do not perform this movement quickly, but also not too slow.
  • Do three sets of ten reps.

3. Side Pushups

Pushups are one of the most commonly used strength training exercises. Here we show you a very efficient version of push-ups, to achieve our specific goal, which is firm arms. The exercise is a bit more complicated and will therefore require some extra effort.

  • You will need an exercise mat or yoga mat.
  • To start, place one hand and both feet together on the mat.
  • Now you move as with regular push-ups. You bend the arm that supports the body and return to the starting position, keeping the other arm straight above you.
  • Do this exercise slowly to avoid injury. Switch arms after each push-up.
  • Do three sets, alternating for each arm.  

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