Soap Applications. Do You Already Know These 10?

Did you know that soap can be used to grease drawers? Or that you can use it to make doors stop beeping? All you have to do is rub a little soap on the guides or the hinges.
Applications of soap.  Do you already know these 10?

In this article, we’ll show you 10 uses of soap. Soap is not only necessary for your personal hygiene or to clean your home. In addition, there are many other  uses of soap that are very useful.

Soap is something that everyone has at home. Mostly it is used for anything that has to do with cleaning. You can find all kinds of different soap products in the store. In between are also products that have been developed for a specific application.

Because many people still have no idea what you can use soap for, today we share 10 uses of soap with you. Are you ready?

1. Applications of soap to prevent paint leaks

Applications of soap painted kitchen cabinets

All you need is a wet bar of soap to protect your doors and windows from stray paint splatters and scum when you’re painting around the house.

Also make sure to grease the hinges and handles to avoid stains.

2. Driving nails

Tired of tapping your fingers when you try to drive a nail into the wall? That never has to happen again if you take a small piece of a bar of soap.

Wet the soap and rub it along the length of the nail. That’s all you need to do before hitting the nail in the wall. It makes it much easier for the nail to disappear into the wall.

As a result, you are less likely to hit your fingers repeatedly.

This is one of the uses of soap that really works great!

3. Detect gas leak

Soap Gas Leak Detection Applications

Gas leaks are a concern, especially because they are difficult to detect in time.

If you even think you smell gas, you should look for it. Mix soap and water and do a test on your pipes. Apply the mixture to the areas where you think the problem is.

If bubbles appear, it means there is a leak.  Be careful and get professional help!

4. Lubricate drawer slides

Jammed drawers are annoying. They can really test your patience. To put an end to the problem once and for all, all you need is a little soap to rub on the metal rails.

Wet a bar of soap, rub it over the rails and you’ll see the drawer slide as easily as when it was new.

5. Removing residual adhesive residue

applications of soap remove glue residue from wallpaper

Do you still see glue residue on the wall after you have removed the wallpaper? Don’t let this ruin the look of your wall.

Mix some soap with warm water and rub it over the sticky areas with a soft sponge.

6. Make doors stop beeping

Squeaky doors can be a major annoyance in your home. You could fix the problem with specialty products that you can buy in the store, but you can also use one of the 10 uses of   soap to fix this problem.

Mix some soap and water and use an old toothbrush to apply this mixture to the hinges. You will immediately notice the difference.

7. Uses Of Soap To Keep Your Nails Clean

uses of soap to keep nails clean

If you are working in the garden, you will undoubtedly get dirty fingernails. But why not avoid this problem?

Rub some liquid soap or a bar of soap on your nails before getting started. That way you keep your nails clean.

8. Polishing grooves and cracks

If you take a moment and look really closely, you will find grooves and cracks in the walls of your house.

Usually we cover them with a special filler or sealant, but that doesn’t look very good. You can get rid of those grooves and cracks much better with one of the alternative uses of soap.

Wet a small bar of soap. Then use this to polish the edges, glue, or other products you used to mask the grooves.

It is important that you do this before the product is dry. It is very difficult to get good results afterwards.

9. Making leather shoes more flexible

Making shoes flexible

This trick won’t work for all types of shoes, but a little soap can help soften leather shoes that feel stiff.

Rub the soap over the inside of the shoe and let it soak in for a few hours. You will notice that your shoes are much more comfortable afterwards.

10. Sea Applications to Remove Tough Stains

There are all kinds of stain removers available to clean your clothes, but some of those products are made with chemicals. These not only affect the fabric, but can also be bad for the environment.

To avoid being exposed to these chemicals, you may want to try this latest soap trick. Therefore, place a bar of soap under the fabric where the stain is and wet the area of ​​the fabric.  Then rub it gently to remove the stain.

Do you like these uses of soap? If you know any more, leave a comment below this article!


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