Sleep Better With Garlic Under Your Pillow

The sulfur-containing compounds and zinc in garlic naturally promote relaxation and will help you fall asleep faster and restore your energy so you can get on with the next day.
Sleep better with garlic under your pillow

Garlic is an ancient food and is used to flavor food and as the active ingredient in hundreds of resources. It is related to the onion and despite its strong aroma, it is one of the most consumed foods in the world. 

In ancient times, it was used to flavor dishes, fight pests and even scare away demons. While the latter is just superstition, there are millions of people who believe that garlic can fight bad energy.

Whatever the case, we know that garlic is rich in essential nutrients and  possesses many important medicinal properties and has multiple health benefits.

Below we will show you some of the most important properties and also an interesting treatment that you can use to sleep better. Are you interested?

Nutritional properties of garlic

Garlic provides a good amount of calories, as much as 100 per 100 grams. Since you never eat that much of it, you don’t gain weight. It contains complex carbohydrates and proteins that improve your physical and mental performance.

It also provides a number of B vitamins and essential minerals such as sodium, potassium and magnesium. However, the greatest benefits come from the high concentration of sulfur-containing substances such as allicin. 

The biggest benefits of garlic

blood cells

While not considered a panacea for the body,  its many effects make it one of the best superfoods  you can eat.

  • The beneficial substances are perfect for treating certain types of infections, digestive disorders and respiratory problems.
  • The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties found in garlic make it a powerful ally for heart health.
  • Eating garlic improves the elasticity of the veins, lowers excessive cholesterol and regulates blood pressure.
  • It also  improves blood flow to the individual cells of the body  and helps prevent premature aging. It contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties that work better than those found in certain synthetic antibiotics.
  • It is a natural diuretic that  fights fluid retention and inflammation in the tissues.
  • In addition, people who eat it regularly lose more weight than people who don’t.


Why do I have to put garlic under my pillow?

Now that you know more about the benefits of garlic, we’ll show you a simple therapy that involves putting a clove of garlic under your pillow at night. This old family secret has been used for generations to improve sleep quality and depth, especially in people who have trouble falling asleep.

The sulfur-containing substances in garlic along with the aroma have a calming effect that improves the quality of your sleep. In ancient times, it was thought to provide protection against evil. In reality, this sense of security comes from the zinc content.

It may take some time to get used to the smell, but after a few days that won’t be a problem anymore and you will see that it is the best remedy for insomnia.

In addition, it also has a positive effect on your physical performance, as  it helps to recharge your energy for the next day.

We recommend supplementing this therapy by eating a clove of it every day on an empty stomach, with or without lemon.

A natural garlic treatment for better sleep

garlic milk

Another interesting way to take advantage of garlic’s benefits for better sleep  involves preparing a natural drink with relaxing properties.


  • A glass of milk
  • A clove of crushed garlic
  • A teaspoon of honey


  • First, put the garlic and milk in a saucepan and heat it until it boils.
  • Let it boil for three minutes, then remove it from the heat and let it cool.
  • Then add the honey and drink it.
  • For best results, drink it 30 minutes before going to bed.

Not only is it one of the best seasonings, but it is a powerful ally for your health and will treat your sleeping problems.

You can enjoy it in so many different ways. However, it is always interesting to try alternative therapies like the one above.

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