Six Signs Of An Inflamed Liver

The liver is the organ responsible for the detoxification of the entire body. It removes the toxins that our body cannot process on its own.
Six signs of an inflamed liver

An inflamed liver is also known as  hepatomegaly or liver inflammation. It’s a condition that occurs when your liver enlarges. In addition, it is accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms.

Today, this disease is quite common. We recommend that you read this article. It will help you to diagnose this condition in time.

What are the functions of the liver?

An inflamed liver

The liver is responsible for the functions that detoxify the body. These include the following functions:

  • detoxification,
  • Fight various infections,
  • store vitamins and energy,
  • Secreting bile: this component is necessary for the functioning of the digestive system,
  • Cleanse the blood.

What does an inflamed liver mean?

Hepatomegaly  or an inflamed liver does not just mean an enlargement or widening of the liver.

But it also means that the liver has exceeded its normal limits. This can lead to many complications.

At the same time, the surrounding organs no longer work as they should. When the liver gets sick, the entire body starts to malfunction.

It is not an easy task to determine whether or not the liver is inflamed. But we can notice it in the early stages if we pay attention to the following different signals. That way we can tackle the problem before it gets worse.

1. Pain

At first  , the pain can be very subtle. But over time, it can become more and more serious.

Characteristic of this pain is the location: we will always feel it on the right side and in the upper part of our abdomen.

At the same time, the abdomen may be inflamed or swollen and appear larger over time.

2. Fever

Fever is a sign that something has changed in the health of the body due to infections, viruses or bacteria.

If you have a fever, it means that something in your body is not right. If your liver is inflamed, it is normal to have frequent fevers.

3. Jaundice

Jaundice due to an inflamed liver

Jaundice is linked to liver health. If your liver is sick, you will notice that your skin and eyes turn yellow.

4. Nausea

Remember that the liver is responsible for removing the toxins and compounds that the body cannot process.

If the liver fails, certain foods will be difficult to digest. This is especially true for foods that contain too much fat, salt, and flour, and even foods that are over-seasoned. As a result, you may experience nausea and general malaise.

5. Stool

The stool with an inflamed liver

We can always determine the state of the body’s health by examining the stool and urine. It may not be a pleasant task. But it’s a good idea to stop and watch it for a few seconds.

When this organ fails to do its job, the stool will become lighter in color. It can even be white.

At the same time, the urine can turn dark and have an acidic consistency.

6. A bad taste in the mouth

You may have a bad taste in your mouth. That’s because the toxins and components that had to be removed begin to build up in your body. As a result, they cause foul odors that travel to your mouth, hence the foul taste in your mouth.

What are the causes of an inflamed liver?

The liver is an organ that is connected to all processes in the body. So there are many possible causes of inflammation. Here are some examples:

  • Excessive use of alcohol
  • Infection due to hepatitis
  • Bacterial infections
  • Drug poisoning
  • fatty liver
  • overweight

How can you treat an inflamed liver?

An inflamed liver is not a condition that is impossible to treat. Follow a modified diet, exercise regularly and avoid alcoholic drinks. This will usually help return the liver to its normal state.

Some Natural Remedies That Calm the Liver

1. Dandelion

Dandelion tea against an inflamed liver

Dandelions possess purifying properties. They help remove excess toxins from the body:

  • Place fifty grams of dandelions in a saucepan along with one cup (120 ml) of water.
  • Then let it cook for at least fifteen minutes.
  • Then lower the heat and let it steep.
  • Then remove the dandelions from the water. You can now drink the remaining liquid.

You can drink this tea three to four times a day.

2. Tamarind

Tamarind is a great means of cleansing the body:

  • Take five hundred grams of peeled tamarind. Put it in a pot along with half a liter of water.
  • Then let it cook for at least twenty minutes.
  • Then remove the tamarind from the water. Then let it cool.

You can drink this tea throughout the day. It guarantees a completely healthy liver.

3. Lemon juice

Lemon juice against an inflamed liver

Lemon is full of diuretic and digestive aids. They help cleanse the body and soothe the liver:

  • Juice four large lemons.
  • Mix the lemon juice in a bottle with half a liter of water.
  • Drink it on an empty stomach.

Follow all these recommendations. Then you will succeed in restoring the health of your body.

But if you don’t notice any improvement, you should make an appointment with your doctor. He will perform the necessary tests to determine the condition and treatment.

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