Shingles: What Is It And What Does It Look Like?

Shingles is known as a very painful outbreak, caused by the herpes zoster or zona virus, which is the same virus that causes chickenpox. This outbreak occurs when a virus that attacks nerve cells becomes active again after a while. Then it’s going to cause the rash.
Shingles: what is it and what does it look like?

When you have had the chickenpox, the virus remains in the nervous tissue of the body. It never goes away, it just remains inactive. The problem is that it can become active again later and it is precisely during this recurrence that shingles develop.

The reason the herpes zoster virus is revived is thought to be in the immune system. After a while it gets weaker after having chickenpox in childhood.

What happens when the virus becomes active again?

When the virus becomes active again, it starts to spread through the nerves, which is exactly why it generally produces an uncomfortable itching and burning sensation in the infected areas. At that point, the virus circulates throughout the nervous system, but does not arrive at the skin for two or three days.

Once it reaches the epidermis, groups of blisters form over the entire surface of the infected nerve. The skin can become very sensitive, causing a lot of pain.

Can I get shingles?

If you’ve ever had the chickenpox, there’s a chance you could get shingles if the virus becomes active again. The virus generally becomes active again in people with weakened immune systems or who are over 50 years old. The risk grows with age.

If a person is receiving cancer treatment or if he or she has HIV, there is a good chance that the person will develop shingles. In the latter group, it is likely at the first symptoms that something is wrong with the immune system.

What are the symptoms?

lower back pain

1. The first sign is generally a strong pain on only one side of the body, accompanied by itching or a burning sensation. The burning sensation or pain can be very intense and in most cases it occurs before an outbreak, foreshadowing the emergence of shingles.

2. Another symptom of shingles coming is a formation of spots on the skin, which are replaced by blisters.

Other possible symptoms:

  • Fever and Chills
  • Genital Ulcers
  • joint pain
  • Stomach ache
  • Headache
  • Inflammation of the ganglia

If the virus infects a facial nerve:

  • Vision Problems
  • Loss of the ability to move the eyes
  • Problems with or loss of sense of taste
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Difficulty moving some facial muscles

In addition, it can also cause fatigue, low fever and mild muscle aches.

Is it curable?

Shingles can certainly be treated. At this point, you should contact your doctor so they can diagnose you or prescribe a possible treatment or medication to fight the virus.

In general, doctors prescribe antiviral medications. These can reduce the pain and prevent complications. They also reduce the duration of the disease.

These drugs can be used 24 hours after the first signs of pain or a burning sensation. To heal, it is better to take the medicine before the blisters develop.

In addition, for a quick recovery, we recommend resting in bed until the fever has passed. Wash items that cannot be thrown away in boiling water. In addition, always keep your skin clean and do not reuse contaminated items.


This virus can last for two to three weeks and surprisingly return. It is important that you take care of yourself and get a diagnosis.

In extreme cases or when the virus attacks motor nerves, it can cause not only weakness but also temporary or permanent paralysis. This pain is generally very weak, but it can also become very intense and unbearable. Remember to take care of yourself and rest.

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