Seven Reasons Why You Are Tired

Did you know that a sedentary lifestyle and getting up late may be the reason why you feel so tired? Just by getting the number of hours you need to sleep and getting enough exercise, you can increase your energy.
Seven reasons why you are tired

Feeling tired every now and then is normal. In fact, it is even common in humans. The problem isn’t that you feel tired every now and then, but if it’s constantly going on. In this case, something is definitely wrong. You need to find out why you are tired and find a solution for a better quality of life.

7 reasons why you are tired

1. Get up very late


You may think that getting up late will make you more rested, but nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, getting up early makes people feel more rested, calm and relaxed during the day.

In 2009, a study at the University of Leipzig (Germany) found that the most energetic and proactive people are those who get up early.

Another study conducted by the Research Institute in Molecular Biology and Biophysics at the Russian Academy of Science — published as “Personality and Individual Differences” — revealed that there are three types of people according to the dynamics of their biological clocks.

The study emphasizes that you should find out what your high energy hours are and that you “instruct” your habits to take advantage of the time when you are most active. This is called identifying your ‘chronotype’.

2. Poor Nutrition

Excessive carbohydrates and a lack of protein can potentially cause severe fatigue. While carbohydrates are often delicious and provide quick energy, the body breaks them down into sugar, which raises your blood sugar levels.

After that, the pancreas must produce a high level of insulin to lower blood sugar. So when your blood sugar levels go through these ups and downs, your body needs to reach homeostasis and will expend a lot of energy. If you continuously eat sweets and carbohydrates, you will feel tired regularly.

3. The Pace of a Sedentary Lifestyle

Sedentary Lifestyle

Doing nothing causes a lot of fatigue. Having a lifestyle where you sit a lot is not pleasant. It even makes you more likely to be constantly fatigued. If you have a regular office job or take the car to the corner store, this can be a reason why you are tired.

In contrast, low-impact physical and aerobic exercise, including outdoor activities, improves the production of happiness hormones, which in turn improves sleep quality and overall health. You will probably feel tired at first, but exercise significantly reduces fatigue and provides extra resistance.

4. Too little sun exposure

The body needs sunlight. Therefore, it helps to sunbathe early in the morning and in the late afternoon. This allows your body to produce the right level of vitamin D. At the same time, sunlight helps the body stay healthy. Simply by being exposed to sunlight, it will become easier to get better quality sleep.

5. Not sleeping well

Not sleeping well

One of the main reasons why you are tired is that you are not getting enough hours of sleep. It is best if an adult gets seven or eight hours of uninterrupted sleep during the night. This allows the brain and other organs to complete their repair phases and functions.

6. Minerals and Vitamin D Deficiencies

Micronutrients, minerals and vitamins are important substances for your body to function properly. Deficiencies in these nutrients lead to fatigue, exhaustion, dizziness and even other more serious medical conditions.

Following a balanced diet, by eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, provides many needed nutrients. In addition, it is very useful to eat nuts.

7. Stressful Situations

Stressful situations

You may feel discouraged when faced with difficult, uncontrollable situations that have no solution. If you’re dealing with a recurring problem, a situation that drains your energy, or you’re caring for a sick family member, you might want to throw in the towel.

In situations like this, you need to take some rest and stop thinking about what you can’t change. This will help you release the emotional tension. Highly stressful work situations can also contribute to chronic fatigue. So try to do something nice for yourself and take some rest every now and then.

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