Seven Great Breakfast Tips For Your Liver

Eating foods that provide your body with essential nutrients for breakfast can help boost your liver function. In this way you stimulate the detoxification process of your body. In this case, oatmeal is a great meal to start your day with.
Seven great breakfast tips for your liver

Your liver is the largest organ in your body and weighs between one and one and a half kilos. Your liver contains about 13 percent of the total amount of blood in your body and performs more than 500 tasks every day. That is a big responsibility. That’s why we like to share some breakfast tips to help your liver.

How our breakfast tips will help you

If you’ve ever suffered from a certain liver disease, you know very well how liver problems affect your quality of life. Fatigue, indigestion, weakness, jaundice, abdominal pain, fluid retention, etc.

In general, during our lives we are almost exclusively concerned with the outside world.

Little by little, the tensions and worries that our environment causes us have an increasingly negative influence on our body.  This is especially true for the organs in our body that we often simply take for granted.

In this article we therefore propose something very simple, healthy and interesting: take  better care of your liver by eating a healthy breakfast.

A healthy breakfast ensures that this amazing organ can start the day in the best possible way. We explain it below.

1. Coffee for your liver? Yes please!

Coffee tops our list of breakfast tips

It really is! Have you ever wondered if coffee is good for your liver? Then you will get a loud and clear answer in our list of breakfast tips: yes!

A group of scientists at the University of Edinburgh and the University of South Hampton in the United Kingdom conducted a study in 2015. This showed that  drinking two cups of coffee a day helps to reduce the risk of liver disease.

Thanks to its antioxidants, coffee ensures that there is less gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) in your blood. This enzyme is a biomarker — a substance produced by the body — that is used to detect cirrhosis.

In addition, coffee can help to lower bad cholesterol (LDL). It also fights inflammation in the liver.

Coffee has a protective effect on your liver. However, it is also not the intention that you drink a lot of coffee. One cup in the morning is enough to optimize your liver function during the day.

2. Garlic for breakfast

We’ve talked enough about the benefits of garlic on our websites. We are mainly talking about when you eat the bulbous crop on an empty stomach!

If you really want to take care of your liver, don’t ignore this healthy tip. Eating a clove of garlic on an empty stomach is really good for you.

The sulfur naturally present in garlic can help your body eliminate toxins.

In addition, garlic also contains high concentrations of allicin and selenium. These are two natural ingredients that fight inflammation. In addition, they promote the natural physical detoxification process and metabolism.

3. Toasted bread with extra virgin olive oil

Toasted bread with olive oil is super tasty, healthy and something that people in Mediterranean countries eat very often.

  • Choose whole wheat bread, such as rye bread, and toast it for as long as you like.
  • Then pour a small dash of olive oil over it and voilà, enjoy! Your liver will thank you for the fatty acids, especially the oleic acid. These fatty acids can help to lower the level of bad cholesterol and widen the arteries. This then lowers your blood pressure.
  • However, the most powerful ingredient in olive oil is without a doubt the hydrophilic extract. This is a component that helps liver cells to heal and regenerate.

4. Grapefruit


In this case, choose the red variant.

Red grapefruit contains much more lycopene, a carotenoid (reddish) pigment that has a much more powerful antioxidant effect than vitamins A or C. This amazing fruit also contains these vitamins.

Grapefruit will help your body get rid of toxins. In addition, the fatty acids it contains can even repair inflamed liver cells. This effect is due to the flavonoid naringenin contained in grapefruit.

5. Oatmeal Against Fatty Liver

Oatmeal is a grain that should always be part of your breakfast. That is why this is also an important part of our breakfast tips.

Oatmeal is not only very nutritious, but also purifying. Thanks to the amino acids contained in this cereal, it can help to stimulate the production of lecithin in the liver. Lecithin is a natural substance that helps the body eliminate toxins.

Oatmeal also regulates blood sugar levels. Furthermore, oatmeal provides the body with a good amount of vegetable protein, which is great for the liver.

6. Avocado


Another great option is to top a slice of rye bread with half an avocado. This is not only delicious, but also super good for you.

Avocados are rich in beta-sitosterol, a plant-based compound that can help lower cholesterol levels in your body.

In addition, avocados contain healthy unsaturated fats that can fight inflammation and improve digestion.

In addition, we must not forget that this delicious fruit is packed with glutathione. This contributes to the cleansing function of the liver after, for example, alcohol consumption.

7. Apples

To round out our list of breakfast tips, let’s talk about apples. Eat them any way you want: grated, cut into pieces with a little honey and cinnamon on top, with nuts and brown sugar or just whole.

Decide for yourself how you prefer to eat apples. Just make sure you eat at least one regularly. Thanks to the high concentrations of antioxidants and pectin, apples are only good for your liver.

All the breakfast tips we’ve given you in this article will help you keep your liver healthy.

Don’t forget to combine these healthy foods with some form of protein. Think of eggs, meat toppings, and so on.

It is not only about eating healthy, but also that you maintain a balanced diet. Avoid unhealthy fats and empty calories, which contain processed foods and sugar.

Your health is worth putting these breakfast tips into practice from now on!

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