Remove Blackheads With 3 Homemade Exfoliants

You can remove blackheads with homemade exfoliants. Keep your skin type in mind. If you have very sensitive skin, you should opt for a gentler product.
Remove blackheads with 3 homemade exfoliants

Blackheads are not harmful. They occur when fat builds up in the cavities of the skin. Little by little, this buildup will harden. The part exposed to the air will oxidize and turn black. This usually looks rather ugly. Fortunately, there are many remedies that can remove blackheads. You can make different exfoliants at home that can help remove those blackheads.

In this article we give you more explanation. Be sure to read on!

Who suffers from blackheads? How did that happen?

Remove blackheads with exfoliants

Everyone has suffered from blackheads at one time or another. It is a problem that affects or has affected everyone at some point in life. So you don’t have to worry. But what you must do is try to stop the traces it leaves.

The problem is that many people have large pores. In addition, some people have very oily skin. This increases the problems caused by blackheads.

As you get older, your skin becomes more susceptible to certain conditions. It is important that you cleanse the skin on a regular basis. If you don’t, you’ll get blackheads. This phenomenon makes the situation even worse.

Your hormones also play a role in this. Changes in the hormones can ensure that the body cells are stimulated. This can damage your skin.

Remove blackheads with homemade exfoliants

In this article, we introduce you to three great exfoliants that you can make at home. The advantage is that you undoubtedly already have all the ingredients at home. So you will not have to spend money to make these remedies.

Remove blackheads with a thorough exfoliant

If you have never cleansed your skin, it is best to start with an exfoliation of the skin. This remedy is one of the most thorough treatment. It will remove your blackheads.

However, you should only apply this treatment once a week. Because if you use it too much, it can damage the skin.


  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • the juice of one lemon


  • First, mix the two ingredients well until you have a smooth paste.
  • Then wash your face with warm water. Then apply the cream using circular motions.
  • On the areas with the most blackheads, move your fingers in all directions.

At the same time, you should also take the following advice into account:

  • Do not use too much pressure on your face when applying the cream.
  • You can also use sugar instead of baking soda. This cream will be slightly thicker. So you have to make sure that it does not cause any damage to the skin. To avoid this, only use it when the exfoliant is as smooth as possible.
  • We recommend exfoliating each part of the face for four minutes. This way you can remove the impurities and dead skin cells from your face.

Remove blackheads with paper towels and egg whites


What do you need for this treatment? Some paper tissues and an egg. But to apply this treatment you only need the protein.

  • First wash your face with warm water. This helps to open the pores. This makes it easier to remove the blackheads. It is important that you completely remove all the oil from your face. This is necessary to ensure that the protein adheres well to the blackheads.
  • Now apply the egg white all over your face. Do this in circular motions. Or do you only apply it to the areas where you want to remove the blackheads.
  • Then place a tissue paper on your face. Then apply another layer of egg white to the cloth. The paper will absorb the protein.
  • Now wait for the egg whites to dry. Then you can remove the tissue from your face.
  • You will notice that many blackheads stick to the dry mask. It’s like magic!

Remove blackheads with tomato and yogurt


We use tomatoes because they have antiseptic properties. You can mix them, cut them into pieces or squeeze them.

The yogurt helps to moisturize the skin and remove the oil from your face.

  • Mix both ingredients well. Then rub the mixture on your face.
  • Now massage your face for a few minutes. This massage has two purposes. You will remove the blackheads and massage the nutrients into your skin at the same time.

Try to take thirty minutes for this massage. This way your face will be able to benefit from all the positive effects of these ingredients.

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