Reduce Stretch Marks With These 5 Home Remedies

Are you trying to make your stretch marks disappear? If so, remember that in addition to taking these resources, it’s important to increase the amount of water you drink and watch your eating habits.
Reduce stretch marks with these 5 home remedies

Reduce stretch marks with natural remedies, do you know how? 

Stretch marks consist of white or yellow lines. They usually appear because of the breaking of the elastic fibers in your skin, for example due to hormonal changes. But also as a result of constant weight fluctuations.

It mainly occurs in pregnant women due to the extent to which their skin has to stretch during pregnancy.

But it also just happens in people who are overweight, or those who are dehydrated and those who have other problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

They are known in areas such as the abdomen, buttocks and legs. Although they are not serious, many people think it is a beauty problem. 

Fortunately, in addition to the commercial treatments, there are also home remedies for stretch marks. These remedies are made with natural ingredients that help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Reduce stretch marks with 5 recipes

In this article we would like to share 5 good recipes. Don’t wait any longer and add them to your beauty routine and reduce stretch marks.

1. Protein and lemon juice

Reduce stretch marks with these 5 home remedies

This treatment contains essential amino acids, vitamins and natural fibres. These ingredients help to repair your skin and also reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Both the egg white and the lemon juice have a firming effect, which means that this ensures that your skin does not become saggy.


  • the white of 1 egg
  • 1 lemon, squeezed


  • Beat the egg white and then mix it with the lemon juice.


  • Rub this mixture over your stretch marks. Then leave it on for  40 minutes.
  • When it has dried, rinse it with warm water. Then apply a moisturizing cream.
  • Do this treatment at least 3 times a week to get good results.

2. Chamomile and Coconut Oils

Reduce stretch marks with this remedy. This treatment combines the fatty acids of coconut oil with the anti-inflammatory and restorative effects of chamomile oil. This gives you a natural product that restores the beauty of your skin if you have stretch marks or scars.

Both ingredients stimulate skin fiber regeneration, which improves the appearance of stretch marks.


  • 3 tablespoons organic coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon chamomile oil


  • Put the coconut oil in a bowl and then mix it with the chamomile oil.


  • Put the mixture in your hands and then apply it with smooth massages to the areas where you want to use it.
  • Then let it soak in without rinsing it off. Use it every night before going to sleep.

3. Cocoa Butter and Wheat Germ

Reduce stretch marks with cocoa butter

When you combine cocoa butter with wheat germ, you get a cream that is rich in vitamin E. It also contains fatty acids and amino acids that help repair the areas affected by this beauty problem.

These ingredients moisturize the deep layers of your skin. Plus , they help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.


  • 3 tablespoons cocoa butter
  • 2 tablespoons wheat germ oil


  • Melt the cocoa butter in a bain marie. When it is completely melted, add the wheat germ oil.
  • Then pour the mixture into an airtight glass jar. Then let it stand until it has cooled down.


  • Rub this cream over your stretch marks. Massage it in until it absorbs well.
  • Do this treatment 2 to 3 times a day and reduce stretch marks!

4. Apricots with almond oil

Apricots contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These substances deeply nourish your skin, which improves the skin growth process.

In this case, you use its effects together with the well-known almond oil. This gives you a natural cream that helps you reduce the stretch marks.


  • 2 apricots
  • 3 tablespoons almond oil


  • Take the pulp of the apricots and mash it until you get a smooth mixture.
  • Then add the almond oil.


  • Apply the mixture to areas of your body with stretch marks, then leave it on for 40 minutes.
  • Then rinse it off with warm water. Then repeat this treatment  at least 3 times a week.

5. Aloe Vera And Flaxseed Oil

Reduce stretch marks with aloe vera

Aloe vera gel contains antioxidants. These can speed up your skin’s healing process. This prevents noticeable stretch marks.

For this treatment we mix it with the omega 3 fatty acids with the fatty acids in linseed oil. This will give you an effective anti-stretch mark cream.


  • 5 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • 3 tablespoons linseed oil


  • Mix the aloe vera gel with the linseed oil. Do this until you get a smooth, creamy mixture.


  • Apply the mixture to the areas you want to treat, then leave it on for 30 to 40 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse it off with cold water and repeat this treatment every night before going to sleep.

Basically, are you trying to make your stretch marks disappear? If so, remember that in addition to taking these resources, it’s important to increase the amount of water you drink and also watch your eating habits.

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