Reduce Facial Blemishes With These Natural Tips

Do you suffer from pigmentation spots on the face and would you really like to get rid of them? Don’t worry, there are plenty of natural home remedies to fade or almost completely remove those pesky facial blemishes. Read below which remedies you already have at home to get started immediately.
Reduce facial blemishes with these natural tips

If you have pigmentation spots on your face, then you have certainly already tried all kinds of products to get rid of these facial spots. You’re probably also tired of experimenting with expensive beauty products that take a big bite out of your wallet. 

Fortunately, Mother Nature has made sure that there are many simpler and less budget-friendly remedies to bleach or almost remove blemishes on the face.

Did you know that home remedies have been known for a long time, have been used successfully for a long time and that many of the products with the well-known and expensive brand names are based on the same principles?

So get started quickly. Experiment with the methods described below and choose a remedy that suits you best to get your face glowing and clear again. However, keep in mind that, as with the beauty products from the store, you should preferably last a few months.

But the result should also be seen!


Reduce facial blemishes with yogurt

Apply yogurt to your face to prevent darkening of facial blemishes.  A dairy product like yogurt contains an acid that can lighten dark spots. The good bacteria in the yogurt are also beneficial.

They contain enzymes that can break down the dye melanin. Rub the yogurt over the facial spots you want to whiten. You can also make a mask that you apply every night and leave it on for half an hour.

Make a yogurt-honey mixture by mixing three tablespoons of yogurt with a few splashes of liquid honey, wash your face carefully and then apply this mixture all over the face. Let the mask sit for half an hour and then rinse well with cold water.

Olive oil

Dab a cotton pad in olive oil and rub it into the spots on the face. Leave on for half an hour and then rinse with lukewarm water.


You certainly have tomatoes at home regularly for preparing a tasty, fresh salad. But did you also know that the vitamin A present in tomato can restore and nourish your skin? Mash the flesh of the tomato and apply it generously to a cotton ball.

Treat the facial spots and let it act for fifteen minutes. Then rinse well with cold water.


Lime and lemon juice also contain an acid that can break down melanin, making the facial spots less visible within a month or two. Vitamin C also helps with the bleaching of the skin. 

Slice a lemon and place the slices on the brown spots. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then rinse with water. Or mix a tablespoon of lime juice with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of water. Then apply this mix to the facial spots with a cotton ball.

aloe vera

Aloe vera has so many qualities that are good for health and promote the general condition of the skin.  If you have an aloe vera plant at home, you can cut off a piece. Then squeeze the pulp into your hand and immediately apply the juice to your dark spots.

You can also buy aloe vera in gel form. Leave the gel on for twenty minutes every day. You can also successfully bleach scars with this remedy.

powdered milk

Reduce facial spots with milk powder

Try this mix, which gives very good results. In a bowl, mix two tablespoons of powdered milk with a dash of distilled water and a few drops of glycerine. Apply it on the skin discolorations and pigmentation spots. Use this every night as a face mask.


Prepare a tea of ​​water and chamomile and apply the cooled tea to the discolorations with a cotton pad or swab. This versatile natural remedy can also help to fade and remove skin discolorations and pigmentation.


Also raw potato is often recommended to prevent staining and discoloration of the face. Peel a potato and cut it into thin slices. Apply it to the spots on the face and let it work for fifteen minutes, after which you rinse well with lukewarm water.


Honey is often used in all kinds of beauty treatments to hydrate the skin, remove blemishes and give the face a clear and healthy complexion. Cover the skin discolorations and pigmentation spots with honey and leave it on for at least fifteen minutes.


Reduce facial blemishes with orange

As you may know, oranges are packed with vitamin C, making them great for natural skin beauty treatments as well. They nourish and help reduce stains at the same time.

Peel an orange and let some of the peel dry in the sunlight until it dries completely. Grind the dried peel into a powder. Take a container or bowl and mix two tablespoons of powder with two tablespoons of milk and a few drops of glycerine.

Mix well into an even cream and apply every evening as a face mask on a well-cleansed skin. You can leave this mask on all night.


Oatmeal is the natural remedy par excellence to treat yourself to a cleansing and nourishing peeling.  By peeling the skin with a mixture of oatmeal and lime juice, you can fade and remove skin discolorations and pigmentation spots in the short term.

Take half a cup of oatmeal and mix with lime juice until you get a smooth paste. Leave on the skin for at least twenty minutes and then rinse with water.


Soak organic rice in water for a while. Then use this moisture to fade facial blemishes. Apply with a cotton swab or cotton ball.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C serum is also an excellent and natural means to tackle pigmentation spots in the face.

Some tips to avoid pigmentation and facial spots

  • Avoid too much exposure to direct sunlight
  • Use a sunscreen or day cream with protection factor every day
  • Wear a hat or use an umbrella to protect you from bright light

Remember these tips above to avoid blemishes and facial pigmentation. Choose one of the remedies described above to successfully bleach facial blemishes. Apply the method daily and for a longer period of time for a radiant and healthy result!

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