Reasons Why Taking Walks Is Good

Despite the fact that walking is good for you, the rapid proliferation of gyms has put this activity on the back burner. In this article, we’ll share eight reasons why you should hike.
Reasons why taking walks is good

Do you think you should go to the gym to maintain an active lifestyle? However, this is not necessary at all! Taking walks is also very good for you if you do this every day. Discover eight reasons why in this article.

The popularity of taking walks

Despite the fact that the weather may be nice, fewer and fewer people are deciding to do physical activities outdoors. At the moment, taking walks is on the back burner and many people prefer to go to the gym.

The latest European Health & Fitness market report indicates that gym fitness has become the most widely practiced physical activity in Europe. However, you don’t have to join a gym to stay healthy. Walking every day is also very good for you. Find out why in this article.

Taking walks helps reduce body fat

Walking is healthy

Walking is the perfect physical activity to burn body fat. This is because it allows people to maintain a heart rate (HR) of 65% of maximum heart rate (220 minus age). Thus, it guarantees the use of body fat as primary fuel. Moreover, with this activity you also maintain your muscle mass.

It increases the release of serotonin

Serotonin is a fundamental neurotransmitter for regulating social behavior, emotions, mood and certain physiological functions such as sleep, nutrition and muscle contraction. Serotonin deficiency is related to several mental disorders, such as depression and eating disorders.

Exposure to sunlight and physical activity increases the production of serotonin. This translates to a better mood and a lower risk of depression and cognitive impairment.

It improves vitamin D synthesis

Vitamin D is essential for maintaining good health of our bones, immune system and brain. Our main source of vitamin D is our skin, as it converts 7-dehydrocholesterol into vitamin D3 when it comes into contact with sunlight.

So exposure to sunlight is essential to get enough vitamin D and walking is the perfect way to do that. Ideally, you should be exposing 10% of your body to the sun for 30 minutes each day, without sunscreen.

However, it is very important to remember that you only expose yourself to the sun during the period mentioned above without protection. For longer exposure, you should always use sunscreen.

Taking walks lowers blood pressure

Taking walks lowers blood pressure

Since walking is an aerobic activity, it is an ideal way to keep blood pressure in a healthy range. A study conducted by Álvarez in 2013 found a significant drop in blood pressure in children, adolescents and adults after 60 minutes of aerobic activity.

The Heart Foundation considers it one of the best activities to control blood pressure. In addition , the World Health Organization recommends walking at least 150 minutes per week. So practicing aerobic physical activity helps keep blood pressure within normal limits.

It helps maintain normal blood sugar levels

Taking walks also helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. This is due to the increased energy expenditure and insulin sensitivity during the next 24-48 hours after doing physical activity. Thus, it would help reduce and control the risk of type 2 diabetes.

It improves heart and blood vessel health

Moderate physical activity, such as walking, improves heart muscle contractility. This will make the heart work better and so it will last longer and in good condition. In addition, due to its vasodilator effect, walking improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of circulatory disturbances and therefore the risk of heart attack or stroke.

The Spanish National Institute of Heart, Lungs and Blood explains that you need to get regular exercise to reap the benefits.

It improves heart and blood vessel health

Taking walks will help lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Walking also helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increases the proportion of good cholesterol (HDL) over the bad cholesterol (LDL).

In addition, due to its effect on weight, it enhances the action of drugs prescribed to lower excess cholesterol.  All this reduces the risk of ischemic conditions such as those mentioned in the previous point.

It increases your ability to commit to exercise

Going for a walk costs nothing, does not require a very good physical condition and can be done anywhere and anytime. This increases your commitment to exercise. It also means you can do it with anyone!

As you can see, taking walks can help you maintain an active lifestyle and reap all its benefits. Now that you know all this, what are you waiting for? Go for a walk today!

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