Prevention And Treatment Of Muscle Contractures

For prevention of muscle contractures, you should do some stretching exercises and warm up before and after exercise.
Prevention and treatment of muscle contractures

Preventing muscle contractures is very important. A contracture is a sustained and involuntary muscle contraction. It is very common and can happen to even the most healthy of us. The problem manifests as intense pain in a specific area that prevents you from moving it properly.

It usually affects your back, but it can occur in almost any part of your body. While it’s usually associated with exercise, it doesn’t just occur in active people. Contractures also occur in people with a sedentary lifestyle or in people who only exercise occasionally.

As we mentioned above, contractures are problematic and annoying. That’s why in today’s article we explain how you can help prevent them.

muscle contractures

These are persistent and involuntary contractions of a muscle and are generally due to improperly performed exercises. They can also be caused by an effort without properly preparing the muscle for it.

Another cause can be that you maintain a wrong posture for a long time. They are also associated with people with poor elasticity or flexibility.

Muscle contractures can also occur as a result of tension and stress. Today, they often affect the neck and trapezius area. This is due to both stress and the postures we can adopt while working at a computer or watching television.

The pain caused by muscle contractures is because the blood cannot flow normally. This creates areas of inflammation and waste products accumulate. This kind of pain also occurs when the muscle fibers do not relax after exercise.

Muscle contractures are common in the back

Prevention of muscle contractures

Muscle contractures are due to several easily avoidable causes. Here are a few tips to avoid them.

  • Do stretching and warm-up exercises. These exercises prevent overloading of your muscle fibers. The best times to do them are before and after exercise.
  • Get regular exercise. If you train daily and not excessively and also gradually increase the intensity, you prevent muscle contractures. You can start with short walks and then increase the time and speed of your strides. You can also start a routine with lightweights if you want to work on your strength.
  • Maintain correct posture. As we mentioned above, most modern muscle contractures are the result of poor posture. We spend a lot of time in front of computers and in front of televisions and rarely pay attention to our posture. So it is important to be aware of your posture and correct it as best you can.
  • Take short breaks if you work in the office and spend a lot of time in the same position. Get up and move a little. This is the best way to relieve built-up tension in your muscles.
A sedentary lifestyle is not good for your muscles

Reduce stress

We tend to have a hectic lifestyle these days and our lives are filled with turmoil and stress. Unfortunately, this stress often translates into continuous muscle tension. So you should try to reduce it or help alleviate it. Try to live healthier.

For example, you can do yoga to do this. In addition to helping to manage feelings of anxiety, it will also greatly benefit your muscles. This is because yoga increases your flexibility and also relaxes your body. It is one of the most effective exercises you can do to prevent muscle contractures.

Also try other relaxation exercises. For example, try:

  • Mindfulness Exercises
  • aromatherapy
  • Meditation

They help reduce restlessness and anxiety. You are so kinder to yourself and your environment.

Correct sports

Try to avoid sudden temperature changes. If it’s cold, make sure you warm up, especially before you exercise. It is also very important that you know proper techniques for the exercises you are doing. Improper exercise can lead to injuries and muscle contractures.


The best way to avoid this problem is with a moderate daily exercise routine. However, you should gradually increase the intensity. It is also important that you have your training techniques under control. Remember to warm up and stretch before and after any activity.

Consult a physiotherapist if you develop a muscle contracture despite these measures. They can help you fix the problem.

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