Preventing Clothes From Piling Up In Your Closet: Tips

A build-up of clothes not only takes up closet space, but also costs you energy. In this article, we’ll tell you the best tips to avoid storing clothes you’re not wearing.
Preventing clothes from accumulating in your closet: tips

Marie Kondo and her basic rules of tidying have become popular worldwide. If you’ve decided to reorganize your home, we’ll give you the best tips to keep clothes from building up in your closet.

Many people keep clothes ‘just in case’. It could be because they remind you of happy times, because you think they fit again, or simply because it’s hard to put things away.

If this sounds familiar to you, read these tips to prevent unnecessary clothes from accumulating in your closet. They are very helpful in getting you started!

Tips to prevent clothes from piling up in your closet

Before you start, make sure you have enough time, because for your first task – a thorough reorganization of your closet – you will need it! Now let’s get started with these tips to keep clothes from building up in your closet.

1. Empty your closet

The first step to prevent clothes from building up in your closet is to determine what outfits you have. Pulling out all the stops will refresh your memory. This way you can avoid impulse purchases and avoid having two or more similar outfits that add nothing to your wardrobe.

2. Choose which clothes you want to keep

An organized closet

Be critical: do you really wear that piece of clothing or do you keep it because of nostalgia? Get rid of clothes that don’t feel right to you, don’t bring you happiness, are too small (or too big), are worn out, or haven’t worn for a long time.

It’s time to stop storing clothes ‘just in case’. Donate the clothes you no longer wear for whatever reason, without considering whether you might need them in two or three years.

Here’s a trick to choosing your clothes: ask yourself if you feel comfortable and attractive wearing the item of clothing. The question is do you like them now, not when you first bought them.

Any piece of clothing you decide to keep should match your style and be both comfortable and functional. You have to be sure to wear it!

3. Don’t hesitate to recycle or reuse clothes

If an item of clothing is broken and cannot be repaired, remove it from your closet. You can have it recycled or reused for craft projects. Jeans or a ripped shirt can be used to:

  • doll clothes for your child’s favorite doll.
  • to sew a patchwork quilt.
  • decorate a homemade shopping bag.

If you are smart and like to sew, you can create new clothes by combining different pieces that you no longer wear. You just need some skill, creativity and imagination.

4. Organize your clothes well

Organize your clothes

To wear your clothes, you have to be able to see them! Organizing your closet is therefore essential to prevent clothes from accumulating in your closet. For this reason, we recommend that you take as much time as you need to organize your closet so that you can see every piece of clothing you have.

  • Avoid piles of clothes. By using dividers or placing boxes in drawers or on shelves, you can better organize your clothes. Fold your clothes as small as possible so that you have an overview and can see everything you have.
  • Hang delicate garments in sets on a hanger. If you don’t have a lot of space, it’s time to make a decision about which items to keep. In addition, you can make better use of the space in your closet if you connect two hangers with the tab of a soda can.
  • Keep your shoes in pairs. You can even store them in boxes with a picture of the shoes on the front. That way it’s easier to stack them and save space, while still keeping an overview.

5. Change your clothes every season

Why keep your winter coat in your closet in the summer? The chance that you will need this item of clothing is extremely small. So make sure it doesn’t get in the way.

Take a day to change out your seasonal clothes. The clothes that you will not use in the coming months can be stored in special bags. Then put them away somewhere where they won’t get in your way. That way you can better see everything you have in your closet.

6. Buy only what you need

Don't buy anything new to prevent clothes from accumulating in your closet

Avoid the temptation of the sale. We know that sometimes you want to buy a cheap shirt because you feel like you can’t miss the sale. However, you need to change these habits to avoid falling into the same traps that cause clothes to accumulate in your closet.

Buy only what you need and treat yourself every now and then with something new. Always keep in mind that you should use what you buy. It’s not supposed to end up at the bottom of your closet.

Did you find our tips for preventing clothes from accumulating in your closet helpful? The first step is to make the decision and change your habits! With a little willpower you can really do it!

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