Pineapple Celery Smoothie For Weight Loss, Delicious!

Both pineapple and celery have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, and combining them will help you lose weight while also staying healthy.
Pineapple celery smoothie for weight loss, delicious!

This pineapple celery smoothie is easy to make and is sure to leave you feeling full. The simple combination of these two ingredients can help you lose weight more easily.

Furthermore, they both also have cleansing and medicinal properties. Above all, remember that  this pineapple-celery smoothie itself does not make you lose weight, but that it complements a healthy lifestyle that facilitates the process.

It is important that you have a healthy, varied and balanced diet, which also includes exercise. So, are you ready to try it today? We’ll tell you how to prepare it and what it can do for you.

A pineapple celery smoothie is good for your figure

Sometimes it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the information about all kinds of miracle diets that promise to magically help you lose weight. Therefore, it is important to keep the following points in mind:

  • Everyone has a different body with special needs and its own metabolism. This means that you need to know the most healthy and suitable ways to lose weight according to your own needs.
  • Weight loss should never be the result of starvation. You need to eat right to keep your body mentally and physically healthy, respect your body’s natural rhythm and get enough exercise.
  • You must be motivated to lose weight. It’s a good idea to join a program with friends. The  support of those around you is guaranteed to help.

Either way, the pineapple celery smoothie we want to share with you today is a great way to start your day. Moreover, it is also a good option for lunch.

You will have to be consistent. If you drink this smoothie for 15 to 20 days, you will start to see results.

Smoothie with pineapple and celery

Pineapple and Weight Loss

Pineapple is one of the most popular fruits among people who want to lose weight. That’s also because people often try in vain to satisfy their craving for something sweet during their diet.

  • The taste, both sweet and sour, goes well with almost everything. Pineapple is the queen of smoothies, natural juices and salads. Nutritionists also recommend combining it with other healthy, satiating foods, such as spinach, walnuts and salmon.
  • Pineapple contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain. This helps digest proteins and convert them into amino acids.
  • The greatest benefit of pineapple comes from eating it on an empty stomach, which kicks in its anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The high content of water, vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals in pineapple,  in combination with the bromelain, makes it easier to break down and remove the stored fat in the body.

Celery, the best diuretic and anti-inflammatory food

Do you grow celery in your garden? Then you have a great resource for your health. According to Medical News Today  magazine , celery is one of the healthiest vegetables for your heart and promotes weight loss.

  • Celery is full of phytonutrients and antioxidants. These all contribute to digestion, cleansing of the body and the absorption of nutrients.
  • Some people choose celery as a snack between meals to satisfy their hunger. It also controls blood pressure and provides a good amount of fiber.
  • As with pineapple, celery is best enjoyed by combining it with other foods. It is delicious mixed with pineapple, but also as a smoothie with apples and cucumber. Yummy!
  • Celery is also one of the most versatile foods when it comes to smoothies. It is very refreshing and has a special taste. This will ensure that you start your day with lots of energy, vitamins and minerals.

The recipe for a pineapple celery smoothie

Celery for the Pineapple Celery Smoothie


  • 400ml water
  • 300 grams fresh pineapple
  • 1 celery stalk
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 25 grams of honey


  • You can make two smoothies from these ingredients. The first you should drink in the morning on an empty stomach and the second at lunch.
  • Try to find organic pineapple and celery. This way you can be more sure that you get the maximum benefit from both fruits.
  • The first step is to cut the pineapple and celery. Then squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Easy, right?
  • Then put all the above-mentioned ingredients in the blender or food processor. Let it blend for a few seconds until you get a smooth, even juice.

Now you’re done. Enjoy your first drink in the morning!

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