Pharyngotonsillitis: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

The symptoms of pharyngotonsillitis usually include a sore throat, headache, and general discomfort. The origin is viral or bacterial and the treatment depends on the cause.
Pharyngotonsillitis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Pharyngotonsillitis is a common condition consisting of an infection of the pharynx and tonsils. The vast majority of cases are due to a virus, but can also have a bacterial origin. This means that the symptoms differ from case to case.

Bacterial pharyngotonsillitis is actually quite common in children under the age of three. For this reason, this condition is more common during the winter months, as viruses have an advantage then.

Adults can also experience this disease, a benign condition that usually resolves after a short time. Complications can occur. Continue reading this article to learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of pharyngotonsillitis.

What are the causes of pharyngotonsillitis?

Many people still think that things like eating ice cream, walking barefoot or not keeping warm can cause pharyngotonillitis, the common cold and the flu, among other things. However, this is not the case. It is a contagious condition that is acquired through contact with a virus or bacteria.

Most cases spread through the air, through droplets released when coughing or sneezing. It can also be due to direct contact with someone who is already infected. The most common microorganisms that cause this are:

  • Viruses such as adenovirus, Epstein-Barr virus and rhinovirus.
  • Bacteria such as Streptococcus pyogenes (Spanish link).

These are the ones most often implicated in this condition, although many other microorganisms can also cause it. The most important thing is to determine the causative agent through symptoms or tests, whether it is a virus or a bacteria.


The doctor examines the throat to diagnose pharyngotonsillitis

As we mentioned above, the symptoms of pharyngotonsillitis vary depending on whether it is due to a virus or bacteria. However, both cases will most likely manifest with fever, sore throat, and headache.

Viral pharyngotonsillitis begins gradually and symptoms are similar to those of the common cold – mild discomfort, low-grade fever, and fatigue. Furthermore, the tonsils and pharynx are usually red and swollen.

The bacterial form is more intense. It begins abruptly, with a high fever and increased discomfort. The cervical glands tend to swell and the tonsils are often purulent. In addition, red spots may appear on the palate. Sometimes even skin rashes occur.

Treatment of pharyngotonsillitis

Inflamed tonsils is a symptom of pharyngotonsillitis

Most of the time, the cause of pharyngotonsillitis can be determined by the symptoms. The attending physician should examine the throat to check for pus seeping from the tonsils. They will also assess the degree of inflammation. However, the causative agent is not always easy to identify.

A proper diagnosis is important because treatment depends on the cause. Doctors sometimes have microbiological analyzes performed to determine these.

For example, they can do a rapid antigen detection test, because then they know if it is due to an infection with Streptococcus pyogenes. They may also take a culture of the pharyngeal exudate, although this examination is a much slower process.

Once they know whether the cause is bacterial or viral, they choose the appropriate treatment. For example, they will prescribe an antibiotic if necessary if the condition is bacterial. Oral penicillin for a week to 10 days is the most common treatment.

In contrast, viral pharyngotonsillitis does not require antibiotics. Hence the importance of determining the cause. This is because unnecessary antibiotic use can lead to resistance in the microorganisms.

In these cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are often recommended to relieve pain. The main course of action is to consult a doctor if necessary and not to take drugs that are not prescribed.

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