Pain In Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Yoga Helps!

Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually accompanied by pain and stiffness. Yoga is a great way to help reduce these symptoms. It may even help improve this condition.
Pain in carpal tunnel syndrome?  Yoga helps!

Today, carpal tunnel syndrome is very common. That’s because we use electronic devices and computers way too much. It causes inflammation in the median nerve.

This nerve is responsible for feeling and movement in different parts of the hand. This syndrome can be a result of constant movement, but it is also affected by certain infections, wrist injuries or obesity.

The main symptoms are pain and stiffness. Often the patient also experiences a tingling sensation, numbness and muscle weakness. In most cases, this condition is not very serious and the complaints only occur every now and then. However, it can get so bad that surgery is required.

You can also avoid the need for such an extreme solution. A good way is to start with yoga, as some yoga poses may help you recover from this problem. In this article, we suggest five yoga poses to potentially ease carpal tunnel syndrome.

Yoga exercises for pain in carpal tunnel syndrome

1. The mountain

The mountain

The mountain pose is also known as Tadassana. This is one of the basic poses in yoga. It is a simple exercise that can have excellent, positive effects on the body.

How do you perform this exercise?

  • This is the first step: take a deep breath and focus on your breathing.
  • Place your feet together so that your toes and your heels touch.
  • Lift the fingers, spread them apart and push down gently.
  • Place the weight of your body in the middle so that it is evenly distributed on both feet.
  • Put pressure on the knees by pressing the kneecaps together. Stretch the backs of your legs.
  • Draw in the abdomen and allow the chest to expand. In the meantime, keep your back straight.
  • Place the arms next to the body. The fingers point down.
  • Exhale and relax the shoulders in a slow motion.
  • Then imagine that there is a rope tied around your forehead. Now pull your body up gently.

2. The Bow

The bow pose is a stretching and concentration exercise. This pose can help relax tense muscles. Thus, it is an ideal way to help reduce the pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. In addition, it can strengthen the lower back.

How do you perform this exercise?

  • Lie on your stomach. Place your arms on either side of your body. Rest the forehead on the mat.
  • Inhale , bend your legs towards your back and grab the ankles with your hands.
  • At the same time, raise your head, chest and thighs from the floor so that your body forms an arc, as it were.
  • Stay in this position for twenty seconds while taking a deep breath in and out.
  • Release the legs as you exhale . Then lie down on the floor and rest for thirty seconds.

3. The Cow

The cow

This pose is known as Gomukhasana. It can help to stretch the shoulders and chest. It is precisely in those places that the inflamed median nerve stretches. With this exercise you can relax the muscles of the lower back and stretch the wrists.

How do you perform this exercise?

  • Sit on the mat and cross your legs. Make sure the left heel is close to the right hip.
  • Lift your right leg and place it over the left leg next to the left hip.
  • Now lift the right arm over your head. Bend the arm back.
  • Interlock the fingers of both hands. Now gradually stretch the elbows in the opposite direction.
  • Keep your back straight and focus your eyes straight ahead.
  • Hold this pose for fifteen to twenty seconds. Then you rest.

4. The Praying Attitude

This pose can be very relaxing for the body and mind. It can help you relieve stress and pain.

How do you perform this exercise?

  • Sit on a mat or rug, preferably in a very quiet place. Place the palms together as if you were praying.
  • Open the fingers slightly to increase the space in the carpal tunnel. Now take a deep breath . Stay in this pose for one minute.

5. The Eagle

the eagle

This pose can relax the muscles and joints. If you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, this exercise may help relax the wrists. This is because the inflammation and stiffness in this yoga pose can be slowed down.

How do you perform this exercise?

  • Stand in a quiet place. Bend the legs and lean gently to the left side.
  • Bend the right leg and cross it over the left leg. Make sure the right ankle touches the left knee.
  • At the same time, bring the left arm under the right arm. Cross the arms at the elbows.
  • Bring the hands together by holding the palms together.
  • Stay in this position for thirty seconds while taking a deep breath in and out .

Are you ready to try these yoga poses at home? Find a quiet place and perform these exercises. Make them part of your treatment.

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