Natural Remedies For Sebaceous Cysts

You can have sebaceous cysts removed with surgery, but this is not always necessary. You can also use some natural remedies to treat these cysts before surgery is necessary.
Natural remedies against atheroma cysts

Natural remedies against sebaceous cysts include homeopathic remedies such as vitamins, herbs and hot compresses. Sciatic cysts are cysts or growths that form under the skin.

Although sebaceous cysts are generally benign and often go away on their own, they can be quite annoying and in some cases also become inflamed. It is therefore important to treat cysts to avoid complications.

Natural remedies against cysts on the skin

Treating sebaceous cysts naturally can be very effective, so much so that an uncomfortable medical procedure is often no longer necessary. The natural remedies for sebaceous cysts are generally considered safe, but can still cause side effects.

Therefore, always consult your doctor or naturopath before using these products.

Moist heat

A warm, moist compress may be applied to the sebaceous cyst to deflate it and promote healing.

The compress should not be too warm,  as this can stimulate bacterial growth in the cyst and cause an infection. If the sebaceous cyst does not respond to the moist heat, see a doctor.

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of the Melaleuca Alternifolia tree and has a particularly powerful antiseptic effect.

Since cysts are often caused by bacterial infections, applying tea tree oil to the cysts can be helpful and promote healing.

aloe vera

Aloe vera leaf with dew drops

Aloe vera not only helps you get rid of the cyst, but also relieves pain and irritation.

Use a fresh aloe vera leaf and cut off the spiky edges. Cut the leaf in half and apply the gel on the cyst. Repeat this regularly until the cyst is gone.

Consume foods that improve the immune system

A strong immune system helps the body to clear out cysts from within.

Boost your immune system by eating antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits, as well as whole grains and citrus fruits, and by taking supplements such as red clover and burdock.


To prevent infection, wash the affected skin with antibacterial soap.

Prevent sebaceous cysts in a healthy way

 A healthy lifestyle helps to keep the body healthy, which reduces the chance of developing sebaceous cysts.

Get enough rest

Sleeping too little weakens the immune system and can lead to many health problems, so make sure you get enough sleep.

Avoid refined sugar

Eating too much sugar can seriously impair the function of the immune system, making you more likely to get sick. Therefore, maintain a low-sugar diet and avoid soda, sweetened fruit juices and processed foods, as well as sugar-rich breakfast cereals and snacks.

Reduce stress

Woman sitting on the floor

Some homeopaths believe that stress increases the risk of developing sebaceous cysts. Many experts confirm that too much stress weakens the immune system, leaving you prone to illness.

Learning to deal with stress in a positive way can therefore be helpful.

When to the doctor?

Sciatic cysts that do not go away on their own may need to be removed through medical intervention. Consult a doctor in any of the following cases:

  • The cyst grows fast
  • He is painful
  • The cyst grows deeper
  • The cyst shows signs of infection, such as inflammation or redness, or feels warm to the touch

The removal of a cyst is often a simple procedure, which can be performed by a general practitioner or dermatologist under local anesthesia. Sometimes, however, a surgeon may need to be involved, such as if the cyst is severely inflamed or too close to major arteries.

To remove the sebaceous cyst, the doctor makes an incision in the cyst and then removes the cyst with the surrounding wall in its entirety. If the cyst is completely removed, it will not come back.

Any stitches are removed after one or two weeks. Depending on the location of the cyst and the type of cyst, the doctor may also choose to remove it with laser treatment. This treatment method hardly leaves any scars.

Removing sebaceous cysts rarely causes complications. Never try to open or squeeze the cyst yourself ! This can lead to infection, which will put you a lot further away from home.

Try natural remedies first

Fortunately, sebaceous cysts are more annoying than dangerous and treatment with natural remedies and adjusting our lifestyle is often enough to relieve the symptoms.

However, keep in mind that natural remedies will not always be enough to get rid of sebaceous cysts. Some cysts simply do not respond to these natural remedies and require conventional treatment.

If you have a sebaceous cyst that isn’t causing pain or discomfort, in most cases it won’t hurt to try to treat it naturally first to avoid potentially having to surgically remove the cyst.

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