Natural Creams To Reduce Scars

If you have scars, you probably want to hide them. Fortunately, you can reduce the appearance of scars with these natural creams.
Natural creams to reduce scars

Scars come in all shapes and sizes, and they can affect your appearance as well as your self-esteem. That’s why in today’s article we’ll tell you how to make some natural creams that help reduce scars.

For starters, it’s important to make it clear that a scar is a sign on the skin caused by a cut or burn, and it can be temporary or permanent. For example, scars from caesarean deliveries are common in women. Actually, this is an unavoidable scar after such a birth.

The good news, however, is that you can reduce the appearance of scars. This way you can wear your bikini in the summer without having to be afraid to show off your skin.

Finally, you should know that the human body is able to cope with its scars. They tend to clear up on their own over time. Either way, you can speed up the healing process by using the home remedies we’ll describe below.

Natural creams to reduce scars

Homemade aloe vera cream

Scar on the abdomen

The healing properties of aloe vera will help to reduce the appearance of scars. In addition, the gel in aloe vera plants is very suitable for healing wounds and burns. After using this lotion, you will notice that your skin will be clear and hydrated.


  • 375 ml aloe vera gel
  • 20 drops frankincense oil
  • 20 ml wheat germ oil
  • 15 grams of natural coconut oil
  • 20 drops rosehip oil


  • First, mix the coconut oil and the aloe vera gel in a small bowl and mix them together to a creamy consistency, similar to that of lotion.
  • Then add the wheat germ, frankincense and rosehip oils. Mix again.
  • Finally, massage your scars once or twice a day with this aloe lotion.

Fuller’s earth clay

A woman applies a clay mask to her face

Fuller’s earth is a clay with absorbent properties. It helps to reduce the fatty tissues in the skin and it also works to reduce the appearance of scars and give the skin more elasticity.


  • 15 grams Fuller’s Earth clay
  • 7 ml lime juice
  • 15 ml rose water


  • First mix all ingredients until smooth.
  • Then apply the cream to your scars.
  • Leave it on for 30 to 45 minutes and then remove it with plenty of water.
  • You should apply this mixture once or twice a week to achieve the desired result.

Mask with oatmeal and sour cream

natural creams

Oatmeal is a grain rich in proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, which can help reduce the appearance of scars on the skin. Oatmeal lotions also help fight dry and cracked skin. With this oatmeal mask you can moisturize your skin and your scars will become less visible over time.


  • 30 ml sour cream
  • 30 ml natural yogurt
  • 15 grams of oatmeal


  • Mix the sour cream and yogurt in a bowl until well blended.
  • Add the tablespoon of oatmeal and stir all ingredients together.
  • Apply the paste to the affected area and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.
  • Use this remedy once or twice a week.

Medium with onion juice and olive oil

Onion is one of the most commonly used vegetables in cooking, but its healing properties are ideal for treating scars. In addition, the combination of olive oil and onions will make this remedy even more effective. That’s because olive oil and onions contain minerals that help repair skin tissue.


  • a quarter of an onion
  • 15 ml olive oil


  • Cut the onion into cubes and put them in a blender. Blend until you have a juice, then pour into a small bowl.
  • Add the olive oil to the onion juice and mix well.
  • Apply the mixture to the affected areas and let it soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.
  • Use this remedy once or twice a day.

By using these home remedies and natural creams, you can reduce the appearance of scars and maintain healthy skin. Don’t be afraid to show your beautiful skin: your scars don’t define who you are.

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