Medicated Infusions You Can Drink Before Going To Sleep

What could be more delicious and relaxing than a nice warm cup of herbal tea just before bedtime? Choose your favorite mug, curl up on the couch with a good book and enjoy the benefits of three medicinal infusions that will guarantee you a good night’s sleep.

You have probably already read that drinking medicinal infusions just before bedtime can guarantee you a good and relaxing night’s sleep. However, did you also know that this allows you to start the next day with more energy and with a strengthened immune system, so that disease has less chance of rearing its head?

This article describes which medicinal infusions are best to drink in the evening.

3 medicinal infusions before bedtime

1. Infusion of lemon balm and rosemary to relax

The aroma of lemon balm and rosemary is delicious, making it a fantastic hot drink to drink in the evening before going to bed. Discover what other properties lemon balm and rosemary have:

  • Lemon balm is known as one of the best natural relaxation remedies out there. It has a soft, delicious taste that easily combines with other herbs such as rosemary. Lemon balm not only works well as a relaxant, but also ensures good digestion. If you often suffer from a swollen stomach or gas in the intestines at night, lemon balm is recommended to quickly remedy this annoying condition.
  • Rosemary is at the top of the list of medicinal plants that ensure that the body’s immune system remains optimal, while also having a relaxing effect. Make it a healthy habit to drink an infusion of lemon balm and rosemary in the evening and you will notice that you are less and less prone to colds, infections and other ailments. Rosemary contains high doses of vitamin C, making it very suitable for use by the whole family.

What do you need for a relaxing medicinal infusion?

  • 15 grams lemon balm
  • 15 grams of fresh rosemary
  • 200ml water
  • A tablespoon of honey

How to prepare the rosemary and lemon balm infusion

  • First wash the fresh rosemary and bring the recommended amount of water to a boil. Lemon balm is available in any health food store as a prepared mixture to add to infusions.
  • Then add both ingredients to the boiling water.
  • Then let it boil for fifteen minutes and then steep for ten minutes.
  • The next step? Easy enough! Choose your favorite mug, mix a tablespoon of honey into the hot tea, stir well… and enjoy!

2. Infusion of linden blossom and thyme

thyme infusion

Without a doubt, this tea is one of the best medicinal infusions that you can drink in the evening to relax in bed. Thyme and linden blossom can also be bought in the health food store and both have many other health-promoting properties in addition to their relaxing effect:

  • The combination of linden blossom and thyme is a fantastic natural remedy to cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system.
  • Thyme has the medicinal component ‘thymol’, which has an antibacterial, disinfectant and antifungal effect. When various detoxifying and cleansing functions are active during the night, thymol is the ideal supplement to support this natural detox of the body and strengthen the body’s defense system.

What do you need for this infusion?

  • 15 grams of linden blossom
  • 15 grams fresh thyme
  • 200ml water
  • A tablespoon of natural honey

How do you prepare the linden blossom and thyme infusion?

  • Start very simple as always and first bring the water to a boil and wash the fresh thyme thoroughly.
  • Once the water is boiling, you can add the fresh thyme and lime blossom.
  • Let it boil for fifteen minutes and then let it steep for ten minutes.
  • Then pour everything through a sieve.
  • Pour the hot drink into your cup and stir in the tablespoon of honey.
  • Drink this warm infusion in small sips and enjoy a soothing evening on the couch.

3. Infusion of lavender and sage

lavender infusion

A third and delicious medicinal infusion with many properties that work wonders for health is the combination of lavender with sage. It is also an ideal hot drink to drink before going to sleep. Below you can read why:

  • Muscle relaxant: Both lavender and sage are medicinal herbs that have the property to relax muscles quickly. Ideal allies if you come home in the evening with a pain in the neck or an unruly headache due to the stress of your busy schedule. Then treat yourself to this lavender-sage infusion and notice that the intense muscle tension in the neck starts to disappear after just twenty minutes.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Lavender and sage are also used to relieve the effects and pain of arthritis and rheumatism. It is a special combination of herbs that will provide a deep and restful sleep, by addressing the discomfort and pain of inflammatory conditions.

What do you need for this?

  • 15 grams of lavender
  • 15 grams of sage
  • 200ml water
  • A tablespoon of natural honey

Preparing this soothing infusion with lavender and sage

Lavender and sage are also easily available in any health food store and are not expensive at all.

  • Also for this infusion you start by boiling the water and then adding the lavender and sage.
  • Let it boil for ten to twenty minutes and then let it steep for a while.
  • Then pass the tea through a sieve so that no more leaves are left behind and pour again into your favorite cup.
  • The next step? Turn off your cell phone, grab a good book and enjoy the wonderful aroma of this infusion by taking small sips of this tea.

You will notice that you will feel the muscles relax almost immediately and later in the evening you will certainly sleep without pain.

Now all you have to do is think about which of the medicinal infusions you will be preparing for bed tonight!

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