Make Your Own Scented Candles

The use of scented candles has a long history and goes back to a strong tradition, which continues to this day. The essential oils that are mixed in scented candles not only provide a wonderfully fragrant environment, they also offer many benefits for our health.
Make your own scented candles

Candles themselves are one of man’s oldest tools for lighting. However, with the advent of electric light, candles were increasingly used for decoration and mood lighting. They also began to mix essential oils in candle wax . Because of their scent, these oils have a relaxing effect and, moreover, a numbing and healthy effect. They are also able to relieve migraines and headaches. The use of scented candles therefore plays an important role in natural medicine today.

Candles and aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is an alternative medicine based on the idea that scents can be used to improve and stimulate physical and mental health.  The medicine therefore uses essential oils, which are extracted from plants, fruits, roots, stems, leaves of natural elements, etc.

Applying or inhaling the essential oils on the skin can help reduce stress and anxiety. Burning scented candles is an excellent way to diffuse the scents of these oils into the air.

The properties of different essential oils

Read the following list to find out what healthy properties are associated with certain essential oils, which can be found in every drugstore.

  • Lavender: has a calming effect and also reduces anxiety and stress.
  • Cinnamon: Associated with mental stimulation and also reduces nervous fatigue.
  • Apple: is able to reduce the symptoms of a migraine.
  • Jasmine:  is relaxing and also anesthetic.
  • Gardenia: has a calming effect.
  • Coconut: makes the air sweeter.
coconut candle
  • Eucalyptus: disinfects the air and improves concentration.
  • Vanilla: an antidepressant; has a calming effect.
  • Lemon: reduces anxiety and dizziness.
  • Orange: has narcotic properties.
  • Dandruff: Helps with insomnia and headaches and reduces stress.
rose candle
  • Thyme: ideal for mental fatigue.
  • Cedar: Improves mood and optimism. Cedar has a relaxing effect and creates a pleasant atmosphere in the room.

How to make scented candles yourself

What you need

  • Refined wax or paraffin. The amount depends on the number of candles you want to make and the size of the candles.
  • Essential oils: Choose an oil that meets your personal needs or produces the effect you want.
  • A mold (use special casting molds or, for example, a piece of drainpipe).
  • A pan to melt the wax or paraffin (use an old pan that you don’t use to prepare food).
  • A larger pan that the above pan fits in.
  • A stick (you can also use a skewer).
  • A fuse. Wick is available in hobby stores.


Start by melting the paraffin or wax. To do this, fill the larger pan halfway with water, place it on the stove and bring the water to a boil. Put as much wax or paraffin as you need in the smaller pan and place it in the larger pan. Let the wax melt in a bain marie while stirring with a wooden spoon.

Once liquid, let the wax or paraffin cool slightly and you can add the essential oil. It is important to wait until the wax has cooled down a bit before adding the oil, because if the wax is too hot, the oil will evaporate.

Now grease the mold and the wick with oil (for example with sunflower or olive oil). Tie one end of the wick to the rod and place it on top of the mold  so that the wick runs down the center of the mold. You can now pour the mixture into the mold,  which can be round, square, etc. depending on the shape you want your candle to have.


After this you will have to wait about five hours to allow the paraffin or wax to cool and have enough time to harden.

Once cooled, you can remove the candle from the mold by turning the candle upside down.

If there is a flaw in the candle, such as lines or air bubbles, you can soak a cloth in alcohol and then gently rub it over the candle until it becomes smoother and more even.

Once you’ve mastered this whole process, you’ll see how easy it is to make your own relaxing scented candles. Now it’s just a matter of discovering which essential oil suits you best and determining where in the house you will relax! You can also give your homemade scented candles a very nice gift. Especially if you decorate the candles with, for example, colored paper or dried flowers.

Optional: Make a candle out of orange

orange candle

If for any reason you are looking for something different from the usual molds to make your own candles, you can use an all natural alternative in the shape of an orange.

What you need

  • An orange. Or of course another citrus fruit, such as mandarin or grapefruit.
  • Wax or paraffin
  • A spoon
  • Olive oil
  • A knife


Place the orange on a flat surface and make a thin slit around the center of the peel. Then carefully insert a spoon under the skin without breaking the fruit. (see photo below).


Then move the spoon gently around the fruit to loosen the fruit all around from the skin. If it is loose everywhere, you can then carefully remove the fruit. However, be careful not to tear the peel.

orange peel

Then follow the steps for making scented candles mentioned above, but use the orange peel as a mold and let the candle cool. You don’t have to remove the orange peel, so your candle will spread a delicious orange scent.

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