Lower Your Uric Acid Levels With This Food

Eating a balanced diet can help lower your uric acid levels and prevent it from rising. In addition, it is essential to drink enough water to eliminate toxins.
Lower your uric acid level with this food

Uric acid is a chemical compound that the body makes naturally by breaking down a substance known as purine. Too much uric acid can cause problems, making lowering your uric acid necessary.

These are some foods that contain purine:

  • liver
  • fish
  • seafood
  • beans
  • peas
  • meats
  • Soft drink
  • beer

In general, the body itself is able to dissolve uric acid through the blood. It then makes its way to the kidneys and is expelled from the body through the urine.

However , some people ‘s bodies are not able to eliminate sufficient amounts. This is usually because the body is producing higher amounts of uric acid than it should.

In this case, uric acid can cause several problems, such as:

  • Constant inflammation in the toes and fingers, which causes a lot of pain.
  • Crystallization of uric acid which eventually causes kidney stones.
  • Changes in the pH level of the urine, which also causes kidney stones in many people.

Fortunately, by following a healthy diet, you can lower your uric acid levels. That is why in this article we share a number of tips to get this done.

Lower your uric acid levels with the right diet

1. Artichokes

Lower your uric acid level with artichoke

Artichokes are the best option for lowering uric acid levels. This vegetable contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition, artichokes are rich in fiber and protein.

Thanks to its diuretic properties, artichokes not only help to eliminate uric acid, but also to eliminate toxins through the urine.

To take full advantage of all the goodness that the artichoke has to offer, it is best to prepare this vegetable in the following way:

  • Use a little more than half a kilo of artichokes.
  • First wash the artichokes with water.
  • Then put them in a pan filled with a liter of water.
  • Boil the artichokes for at least 40 minutes.
  • Then serve them the way you like best.

You can consume the artichokes themselves as well as the water you boiled them in.

2. Don’t forget the onion

Onions can be used for many different ailments. And like the artichoke, the onion is great if you want to lower your uric acid levels.

You can enjoy the benefits of onions in the following way:

  • Peel two onions and cut them in half.
  • Place them in a pan filled with half a liter of water and let them cook until they are soft.
  • Then pour the water into a bottle and add a little lemon juice to it.

Drink this mixture throughout the day. If you want, you can of course also consume onions through other recipes.

3. Pumpkin

Lower your uric acid levels with pumpkin

Cooked pumpkin has a diuretic effect, so it can help eliminate excess uric acid naturally.

You can prepare pumpkin in the oven or cook it to take advantage of the amazing qualities this cultivated crop has to offer.

4. Apples and Uric Acid

This delicious fruit is great for our health, especially if we suffer from an excess of uric acid.

Apple can help the body to eliminate toxins and does it in a completely natural and harmless way.

Just like with pumpkin, you can eat apple cooked or baked, but of course also just raw.

5. Celery

Celery is best known for its purifying properties, which can help eliminate excess uric acid in our blood. You can actually consume celery any way you want: raw, cooked, however you like.

6. Chicken

Red meat can raise uric acid levels, but chicken is actually good for lowering uric acid levels.

Eggs also offer this great benefit.

7. Lower your uric acid levels with carrots

Lower your uric acid level with carrot

If you suffer from high uric acid levels, then carrots should definitely not be missing from your diet. Like celery, carrots can also help remove excess uric acid from the body.

You can consume carrots fresh, baked or squeezed, and they will always provide the same benefits.

8. Water is indispensable

Of course, water should be part of every diet. It does not matter whether you suffer from high uric acid levels or not. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water per day.

By drinking enough water, your body will produce more urine, which helps to remove toxins from the body.

A few more tips

To lower your uric acid levels, you should also take the following recommendations to heart:

  • Try not to consume too much fruit. Fruit is converted into purine that your body is unable to process.
  • Make sure you cook all your food properly so that you consume as little purine as possible.
  • In addition to drinking two liters of water daily, you should also include infusions and fresh juices in your diet.
  • Try not to fast and eat moderate meals throughout the day.
  • Seaweed and dried fruit can also help control uric acid levels.
  • Make sure you eat at least one gram of calcium a day to prevent pain and arthritis.
  • Try to consume as little salt as possible, or eliminate it from your diet altogether.
  • Try to avoid alcohol completely.

By following the above recommendations, lowering your uric acid levels will be much easier. Moreover, it will allow you to lead a normal and healthy life.

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