Juices And Potions To Cure Sore Throat

Sore throat can be very bothersome and harm your health when it progresses to an infection or tonsillitis. Try these drinks that will ease the pain.
Juices and drinks to cure sore throat

Sore throat can have different causes: changes in temperature, allergies, viruses, bacteria… Sore throat can also be very painful and troublesome. In addition, it can also harm your health if it evolves into an infection or tonsillitis. What follows are some easy juices and drinks that can help ease the pain.

Some people are more sensitive to sore throats than others. Air conditioning, for example, often causes a sore throat, along with the change of seasons and associated changes in temperature.

The sore throat is always preceded by some kind of itching and then eventually becomes that annoying burning sensation that gets worse when you swallow. That’s why we want to give you some well-known remedies: juices and drinks that gradually heal your throat.

Healing juices and drinks for sore throat

Lemon and apple cider vinegar

lemon apple


  • A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper

This drink is an ancient but effective remedy. The properties of the honey, vinegar and lemon will not only reduce the burning sensation, but also clear the walls of the throat of any viruses and bacteria that may be present. It will also have a positive effect on your immune system.

To drink this drink, all you need to do is heat a glass of water. Once it boils, add the lemon juice from half a lemon and the teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. After pouring it into a cup, you can add the honey and cayenne pepper.

This is a fairly strong drink. That is why we recommend that you drink it slowly so that you can fully enjoy the effect of the drink on your throat. Drink it at least twice a day, for three consecutive days.

Ginger, cinnamon and lemon



  • A teaspoon of grated ginger
  • A stick of cinnamon
  • Grated zest of two lemons
  • 1/2 cup water

Ginger contains excellent analgesic properties, which are able to reduce the pain in your throat. Combined with the lemon juice, the ginger will reduce the burning sensation and act as a disinfectant.

To prepare this drink, boil a glass of water along with the ingredients for fifteen minutes. This gives the ginger time to release its medicinal properties. Then you drink the drink slowly and about twice a day.

Carrot-and-mint juice

carrot juice


  • A carrot of average size
  • 4 mint leaves
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Half a glass of water

A carrot contains a lot of vitamin C and that vitamin C is excellent in curing various infections and also gives your immune system a new boost.

Combined with the mint, the root will clear and protect your windpipe from bacteria. In addition to being medicinal, this juice is also nutritious and the results will be visible quickly. It is best to drink the juice in the morning.

To prepare it, all you need is a cleaned carrot, four mint leaves, the juice of half a lemon and half a glass of water. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. However, never drink it cold. All in all, it’s best to warm it up a bit until it’s lukewarm.

Pineapple, apple and garlic juice



  • Two slices of pineapple
  • Half an apple
  • A raw clove of garlic
  • Half a glass of water

Both apple and pineapple are medicinal fruits. They can therefore disinfect the body and strengthen the immune system. Garlic is also an excellent natural medicine that can effectively relieve sore throats.

This drink is one of the most effective remedies. It may taste a bit weird due to the presence of the garlic, but I guarantee you, it’s worth it.

To make this drink you will need two pieces of peeled pineapple. First, peel the pineapple, cut the slices in half and mix them.

Then add half a glass of water and a raw garlic clove, which you have cut in half. Then mix all ingredients until well combined. Drink the freshly made drink in the morning and I guarantee you will feel better .

Choose which drink suits you the most. When you suffer from a sore throat, it is important that you stay well hydrated at all times. Be consistent for three or four days and drink the juices two or three times a day during those days. They are natural medicines that will help you well.

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