Is Digestion Slower In Summer?

Digestion is more complicated in the summer, and not just because of the heat. We tend to eat larger portions of foods that are harder to digest.
Is digestion slower in summer?

Summertime digestion is something that worries most people when the holiday season kicks in. During this time, everyone’s routine is turned upside down, including the meals and eating habits.

During the summer we can spend more free time with friends and family and we can travel more. This translates, for example, into large lunches, dinners on the beach, aperitifs on the terrace, and so on. In short, it can be difficult to eat at regular intervals and maintain a balanced diet.

If you also consider the heat, digestion in the summer is a tricky process. Eating heavy foods can lead to unpleasant symptoms, such as gas and bloating.

To prevent this from happening to you, pay some attention to your eating habits. Even simple things like eating lighter or chewing more can make a big difference.

No one wants to spend the summer at home with a stomachache. In this article we explain why digestion slows down in the summer and what you can do about it.

Is digestion slower in summer?

What Affects Digestion in Summer?

As we mentioned earlier, digestion is slower and more difficult in the summer. However, heat is not the only contributing factor, although it is true that high temperatures are associated with dehydration. 

However, the fact that this happens has more to do with dietary habits. In the summer, people tend to eat more and their diets become somewhat erratic. They consume more fried foods and alcohol, which slows down the digestive process and makes it more problematic.

A scientific study from 2000 confirmed that alcohol not only harms the digestive system, but also damages the organs of the digestive tract. This causes constipation, heartburn, gas and bloating. It can even cause fatigue and abdominal pain.

Especially in the summer you have to watch your eating habits

How can we prevent digestive problems in the summer?

To prevent your digestive system from becoming problematic in the summer, it’s important to follow a few tips to improve your eating habits. The main ones are:

  • Try not to eat too much food at once.
  • Do not consume too much alcohol.
  • When you eat, relax and take your time and make sure you chew well.
  • Stay well hydrated and drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water daily.
  • If this is difficult for you, try drinking iced tea or other herbal teas.
  • Eat more meals but in smaller amounts. Eat five meals daily, but make them light with plenty of fruit.
  • Also make light dinners, such as salads or creamy vegetable soups.

Tips for preparing your meals

In addition to these simple tips, here are some more tips for planning your meals:

  • Raw vegetables and legumes tend to produce more flatulence. So try to cook them.
  • Try to reduce the amount of animal fat you consume. Therefore, avoid meats, egg yolks and certain types of fish, such as salmon. Of course, you should also avoid fried foods as this makes digestion slower and more problematic.
  • In addition, if you suffer from heartburn, it is best to avoid lemon juice, as well as pickled foods, such as olives and pickles.

Don’t forget to exercise when you’re on vacation. Exercise helps the digestive system work better, while a sedentary lifestyle only makes the situation worse. However, try not to exercise right after eating and choose a time when the weather is not too hot.

A 2015 study (Spanish link) recommends practicing physical activity as it helps reduce a sedentary lifestyle and apathy.

Digestion in the summer: conclusion

All in all, summer vacation is a time to enjoy yourself, but it’s also a time to take care of your body. If you don’t pay attention to your eating habits, digestion can become problematic in the summer.

To avoid problems, always try to eat at the same time and in a relaxed atmosphere. Chewing well is important to reduce gas and enjoy your food more.

Also avoid saturated fats, as well as foods with dough and fried foods. It takes longer to digest these foods. In addition, keep your body adequately hydrated and limit your alcohol consumption.

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