Interesting Facts About Snoring

Do you also find it so annoying, you want to go to sleep and your partner is already snoring? Here are some facts about snoring.
Interesting facts about snoring

Did you know that snoring is hereditary? This is why about 70% of people snore, although many of these people do not snore every day. In this article, we’ll discuss some interesting facts about snoring.

  •  “I don’t snore.”
  • “My husband snores and that’s why I can’t sleep.” 
  • “I have to wake up my partner so that he stops snoring.

You’ve probably heard, read, or said all of these things yourself. The sounds we produce while sleeping are quite strange. So it doesn’t hurt at all to know a little more about it.

Snoring facts that will grab your attention

It is fairly common knowledge that people who sleep face up are more likely to snore than people who sleep on their side or stomach. Keep reading, though, if you want to learn a few more interesting facts about nighttime snoring.

Researchers have discovered that there are  three main factors that will determine whether someone will snore at night or not. A person may have one, two, or all three of these factors. The reasons people do it are:

  • overweight
  • To smoke
  • Alcohol

So if you don’t want to make the sound of a rhinoceros or hippo while sleeping, you should:

  • Need to pay more attention to your figure.
  • Must maintain a good diet.
  • Must stop smoking.
  • Need to move more.
  • Should try to drink a little less wine with dinner.

The advantage of this is that changing these habits will not only stop you from snoring, but also significantly improve your overall quality of life.

Snoring facts that will grab your attention

Snoring due to allergies

Another possible reason why your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend may have problems with snoring may be that he or she suffers from allergies or other nasal problems. Because of this, it is often the case that they may do it more in the winter or spring than in the summer.

This is firstly because we get sick more quickly when it is cold outside (we suffer from a stuffy nose) and secondly because the spring blossoms and warm spring days increase the pollen count and there is a greater chance of seasonal allergies.

These are the perfect conditions for nighttime snoring, which is made worse when any of the above factors are also involved.

Volume of snoring

The volume of a person’s snoring can be between 50 and 100 decibels. This may sound strange, but it is roughly equivalent to the sound a jackhammer produces. So it is certainly not surprising if you feel the need to go to sleep in another room when your partner is snoring next to you! It’s like they’re building next to your house.

Snoring Association

Did you know that there is such a thing as a snoring club? The British Snoring & Apnea Association is based in England (they must snore a lot there) and according to this organization sleeping next to someone who snores can cause you to miss out on sleep for up to two years over your lifetime.

In addition, it could also cause other problems such as:

  • sleep apnea
  • mood problems
  • irritability
  • concentration problems
  • nightmares

In the long run, each of these problems could even be the main reason for divorce. When one of the two partners in the relationship snores, there is a higher chance that these two people will eventually break up.

For example, according to people at the head of this organization, this is a good reason to sleep in separate rooms.

The next time you visit your parents, ask if they snore. Why? Because it is hereditary. In 70 percent of people who snore, the parents do it too. This often also applies to close relatives, such as uncles, aunts and grandparents.

Numbers about snoring

Numbers about snoring

Most people think that men snore more than women and these people are 100% right. However, the difference is not as big as you might think. 40% of men snore and 30% of women.

So don’t go into a room full of your in-laws complaining about your partner’s snoring, because then he might reveal that you snore too!

Other figures indicate that 45% of all adults snore at least one night a week and 25% of these people snore between two and three times a week.

Another interesting fact is that people often ‘refuse’ to accept that they snore. As if they can know if they snore while sleeping or not. Perhaps they do it so loudly that it wakes them up themselves.

If you have young children and one of them snores, make an appointment with the doctor. This can be a sign of hyperactivity or ADD. If your child snores only once in a while, it could simply be due to a stuffy nose or because they are extremely tired from the day’s activities.

Even babies can sometimes snore, although you can hardly hear the sound they make. As they get older, the sound also gets louder.

Although there is no clear link between a person’s country of origin and snoring, researchers conclude that Italians snore more than all other Europeans. So if you’re thinking about going on holiday in this beautiful country, don’t forget to bring some earplugs or make sure the walls of your hotel room are nice and thick.

Cause of Snoring

Effect of singing on snoring

It was also discovered by accident that singing can reduce your snoring at night. This discovery was made by a British choir director who has suffered for years from her husband’s snoring. She suggested that her husband sing for twenty minutes a day and contacted a doctor who suggested some supportive activities.

Then they carried out three months of research with twenty volunteers and the results were truly astonishing. Vocal exercises improve and strengthen your vocal cords and throat, allowing air to flow better and you will not snore more (or much less).

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