Improve Your Memory By Being Careful With Your Emotions

Routines are our enemy and can cause our brains to lose their agility and speed. Before we know it, we forget a lot of things.

Our memory and our emotions are closely linked. They are so intertwined that factors such as stress can have a major effect on the function of our brain structure, such as on the hippocampus. The hippocampus is an area of ​​our brain that can influence our emotional memory.

Believe it or not, the balance between fear and motivation, calmness and positive emotions has a tremendous impact on our memory. In addition, we can perform various tasks during the day that can improve the quality of our memory. Below we will explain more about the connection between our memory and our emotions.

Taking care of your emotions to stay healthy

One fact we must remember is that our brains often remember extremely emotional life events well. These can have a positive or negative charge.

However, it is important to point out that human memory does not function in the same way as a machine, such as a computer. Our memories are never quite accurate.

For example: we forget or add details to our memories ourselves. So these are not a true reflection of what actually happened.

Unfortunately, we all know that our memory gets worse as we get older. While this is unavoidable, we can apply several techniques that can potentially slow down memory aging. One way to do this is by having positive emotions.

Below we will explain more about how to perform an interesting exercise based on positive emotions. This exercise may be able to improve your memory and quality of life. 

Our memory gets ‘rusted’ by routines and turns off the emotions

There are several routines that can affect the quality of our memory. Think about waking up at the same time every day, taking the same turn on the way to work, and doing the same tasks around the house.

These are all different examples that can affect our memory. Another example is spending our free time doing activities that neither stimulate our brains nor provide pleasure.

  • If you do some of the above activities and realize that you are a slave to your routine, but have no plan to get out of it, your brain will suffer.
  • Brains that are constantly exposed to routines go into airplane mode. This is because the brain no longer receives a stimulus that demands attention. In other words, the brain is so used to the same tasks in this situation that it completely disconnects.
  • When the brain is on airplane mode, our neurons begin to lose their quality. In other words: we fall into a certain sluggishness and this directly affects our memory.

Routines are our enemy

This causes our brains to lose their agility and speed. Before we know it, we forget a lot of things. Routines, as you have experienced, are the enemy of our emotions.

It therefore seems as if we are ‘off’. One way to turn ourselves “on” again and escape the routine that is in our lives is to do something new. Even the smallest thing can help. We know that we cannot completely escape our routines because we have to work and we have to keep our house clean.

However, it is very important to devote one to three hours a day to yourself. You can do several things during this time. You can:

  • having a cup of coffee in a place you’ve never been before
  • buy a new book
  • meet up with a friend
Do something fun and new every day.

Learn to live in the now

Above all, our memory must focus on the ‘here and now’. When our emotions focus on yesterday’s sadness or tomorrow’s fear, the present becomes very blurry and this affects the quality of our memories.

For example, we can completely forget certain facts, words, tasks and conversations. We will give you an example so that you understand better.

Let’s say you think about someone you care about deeply. Then you think about what to say to him or her. You think about the things this person has done or the words he/she has said to you. This causes you to be so immersed in your thoughts that you forget the car keys.

Your brain is healthy and working well. The problem is your emotional world. Learn to focus on the present to get rid of the emotional burden. Free yourself from whatever it is that is holding you back and always make the present as enjoyable as possible. This is when your memory will start working as it should.

The right and obligation to take care of your inner peace

Sometimes we experience a feeling that we have no control over our own lives. Or we feel that our obligations, routines, or the control of our family are so strong that we can no longer breathe.

This personal stress can affect your inner peace. Someone who is not focused on their self-confidence, own personality and control over their life also has trouble remembering things.

That is why it is very important to focus on yourself. It is also very important to find the perfect point where you are completely happy with everything around you.

However, you also need to be happy with yourself in your own personal space, with the people you love. A happy soul gives the strength for a strong memory. 

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