How To Make Homemade Makeup Remover

Never go to bed with makeup on your face. Even if you are very tired, you should take five minutes to clean your face. In this article, we will share some homemade makeup removers.
This is how you make homemade makeup remover

You may run out of makeup remover or you may want to use more natural remedies to treat your skin.

There are other ways to remove makeup without using a chemical or store-bought product.

In this article you will learn how to make homemade makeup remover.

Makeup Removal Recommendations

What works well for you all depends on how much makeup you have on your face and where you usually apply the most.

If you are someone who applies a lot of mascara and eyeliner to the eyes, you may spend more time removing makeup, as these products are often water resistant. The same thing can happen to your mouth if you’re using high-quality lipstick or if you’ve put on a lot.

The rest of your face is generally easier. Wash your face well with warm water and neutral soap to remove most makeup, this will make the cleansing ‘deeper’.

You have to remember that this does not completely remove eyeshadow, blush, primer etc. so you have to go with that later. This takes no more than a few minutes and the result is a much more beautiful, radiant, fresh and cleaner face.

woman puts mask on her face


Never go to bed with any makeup on your face, as you’ll wake up the next day with damaged skin because you won’t let your pores breathe. This makes your skin oilier and you get more acne, pimples or blackheads. Even if you are very tired, you should take five minutes to clean your face.

If you wear contact lenses, you should remove them before you begin to remove your makeup, as it can get in your eyes and cause irritation, a burning sensation, and even warp your contact lenses.

Natural and homemade makeup remover

Natural yogurt recipe

  • Apply a layer of yogurt to your face, let it sit for 10 minutes, and then remove it with a cotton pad or tissue, which you can slightly wet with warm water.

Warm milk

  • Warm up a few tablespoons of milk for a few seconds and soak a cotton pad in it.
  • Pat the disc gently on your face and a little harder on areas where you’ve applied more makeup (such as your eyes).

Don’t dab too much, though, so you don’t cause irritation or hurt yourself. Don’t forget to wash your face well afterwards.

woman washes face with water

Olive oil

This is best for individuals who have dry skin.

  • Apply a few drops of olive oil to your face and spread it with a light massage.
  • Remove it with a tissue soaked in warm water.
  • If your face gets too oily, wash it with neutral soap and warm water.

Olive oil is great for removing makeup from your eyes as it does not cause any irritation.

Chamomile and olive oil

  • Make a chamomile infusion and let it cool.
  • Soak a cotton pad in it and add a few drops of olive oil.
  • Apply it on your face, especially on your eyes.

It cares for this delicate area and reduces the swelling of under-eye circles and bags under the eyes.

face with green mask

almond oil

As you can see, oil is excellent for a homemade makeup remover. In the case of almond oil, we see great moisturizing properties and it removes make-up very well. It is good for sensitive eyes.


  • Drizzle a little on a cotton pad and apply it directly to your face.
  • You can mix it with castor oil to make your lashes stronger and longer.

Jojoba oil

Another natural idea to remove make-up in minutes. It makes your skin tighter and more elastic.

  • To apply, mix one tablespoon of jojoba oil with two tablespoons of water.
  • Soak a cotton pad in this and massage it in a circular motion, while you watch the make-up disappear.
woman puts ointment on her face


This is an efficient make-up remover for mascara and eyeliner, as it contains oils that dissolve cosmetics excellently.


  • Put a small amount (you don’t need a lot) on a tissue, cloth or cotton pad and apply it gently on the spot where you want to remove the make-up.
  • Since it is very thick and greasy, wash thoroughly with warm or hot water afterwards.

Rapeseed oil:

If you mix this with olive oil, you can remove any kind of makeup in seconds.

  • You will need 3 or 4 teaspoons of both in a cup.
  • Soak a cotton pad in it, pat it gently on your face and you’ll see how it absorbs the makeup.
  • Don’t forget to wash your face when you’re done.


  • To make this strawberry makeup remover, you will need five large strawberries and three tablespoons of natural yogurt.
  • Mash the fruit and mix it with the yogurt. To do this faster, you can also put everything in a blender.
  • Apply it to your face by massaging gently in a circular motion and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Then remove the mixture with water and use a cotton pad with warm water to remove any remaining makeup.

Yogurt and lemon

It’s a great idea for any kind of skin.

  • You just need to mix one tablespoon of natural yogurt with one tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Spread it all over your face, neck and even your décolleté, because it makes your whole skin cleaner.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes and then remove it with a damp cotton pad. 

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