How To Improve Blood Flow To The Brain

The blood supply to the brain is the supply of blood that reaches our brain at all times. You might be surprised to learn that your brain needs almost 20% of the supply of each heartbeat.
How to improve blood flow to the brain

Do you know what happens when, at any given time, the blood supply to the brain is not working properly and part of it does not reach the brain? Then ischemia can develop. 

A small part of the brain tissue starts to die, fewer connections are made, our memory deteriorates, there is an increased risk of strokeā€¦

It is also important to know that by taking a simple action such as improving blood flow to the brain, we can prevent more serious conditions. As a result, we can enjoy a healthy brain and better cognitive function,  which improves our memory and concentration.

Do you want to know how to do this? Today we’ll tell you about five ways to improve blood flow to your brain.

1. Aerobics To Improve Blood Flow To The Brain

Aerobics to improve blood flow to the brain

Aerobics can improve cardiovascular function and therefore blood flow to the brain. It is also very good for oxidizing the body, which improves the health of brain cells and tissue connections.

Want to discover the best aerobic exercises to improve blood flow to your brain ?  You can choose from the following activities, among others:

  • Walk for half an hour every day
  • Run for 15 minutes every day
  • Take dance lessons
  • Go cycling for fifteen minutes
  • Do aerobics at home

2. The Best Foods To Improve Blood Flow To The Brain

The best foods to improve blood flow to the brain

There are also  different types of foods that help improve your brain health. As we mentioned before, this organ uses 20% of the blood produced with each heartbeat.

This means a high level of energy is required, which is also obtained from glucose, carbohydrates and of course good protein.

These are the best foods that you should always include in your diet:

  • Whole grains, quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal, rye.
  • Essential fatty acids, such as those found in salmon, sardines, avocado, olive oil, walnuts and pumpkin seeds.
  • Cranberries, strawberries and citrus fruits.
  • Tomatoes, kale, broccoli, spinach, asparagus.
  • Eggs.
  • Infusions with sage.

3. Say no to tobacco, obesity and stress

Say no to tobacco and stress to improve blood flow to the brain

It is very important that you take this seriously: tobacco, obesity and stress are three of the biggest enemies of brain health.

You should know that tobacco, for example, stimulates the adrenal glands to release the adrenal cortex hormone when it enters the bloodstream in the form of nicotine.

Adrenaline is created in the body under stress and this stimulates the central nervous system, causing us to develop tachycardia or hypertension. All of this causes the pancreas to produce less insulin, which in turn increases glucose levels and overstimulates our brains. So, as you can see, it’s one big time bomb.

And then there is also overweight or obesity. How does this affect blood flow to the brain? Being overweight increases the risk of stroke. 

The accumulation of fat causes hardening of the veins and arteries. This makes the blood flow more slowly. All this increases the risk of serious health problems, which could be prevented if we pay close attention to what we eat and live a healthy life. So it is worth paying attention to this!

4. Do brain training every day

Brain training to improve blood flow to the brain

What about your brain muscles? To improve blood flow to the brain, it is also necessary to train the cognitive functions of the brain. Think for example of memory, curiosity, interest in everyday things, motivation.

All this will build new connections between the neurons and little by little more structures will emerge that will withstand the test of time and the possible diseases we could suffer from.

So try to learn something new every day, by reading, signing up for a course, by discovering what the world of the Internet has to offer to improve your memory and increase your concentration. It is very good for the health of your brain.

5. The Power of Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking to improve blood flow to the brain

Daily stress, worry, or having a negative or fatalistic attitude can alter the neurochemistry of the brain,  trigger the appearance of cortisol and increase adrenaline levels in the blood.

All this causes changes in the brain circulation that, if they are present for a long time, can have serious consequences.

Positive thoughts, however, are even better than vitamins or painkillers. They provide the kind of energy we need on a daily basis because our dreams and health are reflected in our health. So always try to develop these aspects:

  • Have a sense of humor. Talk about the things you like!
  • Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga. This will help you connect with yourself and live in the here and now and appreciate what really matters.
  • Develop social relationships, enjoy your friends and your family. Don’t just sit at home!

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